Operant Conditioning
Classical Conditioning
Observational/Latent Learning

In Pavlov's experiment, what is the conditioned response?

Salivating to the sound of a bell


Ivan Pavlov has been credited with the initial discovery of?

Classical Conditioning

Which form of learning would most likely be studied in an operant chamber?

Operant Conditioning


What is spontaneous recovery?

The reappearance, after a rest period, of an extinguished conditioned response.


Which theory states that cognitive processes are an important part of the learning process?

Cognitive Learning Theory


In Meltzoff and Moors experiments, what experimental unit was observed imitating facial gestures such as sticking their tongue out and opening their mouths?



Who observed a cluster of neurons that were activated in monkeys when they were performing a task and when they were observing another monkey performing the same task?



A little girl gets to eat dessert because she finished all the food on her plate. THis is an example of:

 Positive Reinforcement


John Watson and his colleague, Rosalie Rayner, offered a live white rat to Little Alert and then made a loud noise behind his head by striking a steel bar with a hammer. The white rat served as the __________ in their study.

Conditioned Stimulus


Jenny thinks that getting a good job depends mainly on being in the right place at the right time. What type of control is this?

External Locus of Control


In Edward Thorndike's Law of Effect experiment, he placed hungry cats in puzzle boxes and recorded the amount of time required for  them to get out to the food located nearby. What type of consequences lead to a likelihood of repeating behavior increasing?

Pleasant Consequences


Who studied learning and specifically violence, with a famous experiment having children observe adults' treatment of a Bobo Doll?

Albert Bandura


Parents say, "I'm taking away your phone because you failed the AP Chemistry test." Parents are using?

Negative Punishment


What is the name of the effect that states that there are biological constraints upon classical conditioning, such as internal body processes are better conditioned by internal responses and vice versa?

The Garcia Effect


Mirror neurons are believed by some scientists to provide a biological basis for

Observational Learning


In B.F. Skinner's experiment with pigeons what was an example of Positive punishment?

If pigeons pressed the lever, they would be shocked


The work of Ivan Pavlov and John Watson fits best into which of psychology's perspectives?



Marie works in a dress factory where she earns $10 for each three dresses she hems. She is paid on a 

Fixed Ratio


Carly used to feel nausea when going to McDonalds because she associated the food with illness. After a few good meals there, she no longer feels the nausea. Which principle?



What is the hopelessness and passive resignation an animal or human learns when unable to avoid repeated aversive events?

Learned Helplessness


In Edward Tolman's rat experiment what group went through the maze the fastest due to Latent Learning and Cognitive Mapping?

The group that was rewarded for the last 10 trials after learning the maze


He is known for this Law of Effect that behaviors followed by favorable consequences become more likely, and behaviors followed by unfavorable consequences become less likely



A student studies diligently to avoid the bad feelings associated with a previously low grade on a test. In this case, the studying behavior is being strengthened because of what kind of reinforcement?

Negative reinforcement


Mariah developed a fear of the water when she fell off a river raft last summer. This year she took swimming lessons and thought she had finally overcome her fear of water. She was eagerly looking forward to an upcoming rafting trip, however, as soon as she stepped onto the raft she was instantly terrified again. What is this an example of?

Spontaneous recovery


When you are asked to provide directions to your home, you are most likely using?

A Cognitive Map