This women dedicated her life to prison reform.
Who was Dorthea Dix?
This region depended on agriculture.
What did the South do to make money?
This person supervised the slaves as they worked.
What was an overseer?
This word means to make change in order to bring about improvement, end abuses, or correct injustices.
What does reform mean?
This group was focused on eliminating slavery.
What were abolitionists?
This man stood up for education for everyone.
Who was Horace Mann?
This region had railroads, steamboats, a canal, and a road.
What transportation did the North have?
Enslaved people did these for entertainment.
Why did enslaved people do quilting, dancing, and singing?
This word means someone that favors an agricultural way of life and government policies that support agricultural interests.
What does agrarian mean?
This system helped enslaved people get to the North.
What was the Underground Railroad?
This man escaped enslavement and became an important leader in the abolitionist movement.
Who was Fredrick Douglas?
This region invented the cotton gin.
What invention did the South create?
These were things enslaved people did to get out of doing work.
Why did enslaved people break their tools and fake being sick?
This word means to act based on one's own beliefs.
What does Individualism mean?
This made slavery more important to the South.
What was the effect of the cotton gin?
This woman organized a campaign for women to have equal rights.
Who was Elizabeth Cady Stanton?
This region favored the State Government over the National Government.
What government did the South favor?
This helped enslaved people bear their suffering and still find joy in life.
Why did enslaved people practice religion?
This word means the social separation of groups of people, especially by race.
What does segregation mean?
This caused a shift from homemade products to machine-made products.
What was the Industrial Revolution?
This women partnered with Elizabeth Cady Stanton to help women get equal rights.
Who is Lucretia Mott?
This region had mostly rocky soil.
What type of soil did the North have?
Enslaved people who disobeyed were sent to these people.
What is a slave breaker?
This word means the state of being subject to prolonged unjust treatment or control.
What does oppression mean?
This inspired many people to oppose slavery.
What did the Second Great Awakening inspire people to do?