Why did the US want to annex the Philippines?
They wanted to expand their power, especially over Spanish lands, and it was part of American imperialism.
Who emphasized that African American students should accept segregation and that education will help to free them?
Booker T. Washington
What are the 4 MAIN causes of WWI?
M: Militarism- arms race between nations, esp Germany, A: Alliances- Allied and Central powers, I:Imperialism- nations measured power thru trade and land, N:Nationalism- intense pride in nation, social darwinism, self determination
What were the four major causes of the Great Depression?
Overproduction/Lack of diversification
Maldistribution in wealth
Weakened banking system
Declining exports
What was the Lend-Lease Act?
Act by US gov that allowed the US to lend/lease arms to any nation âvital to the defense of the US.â It was essentially a loophole for the US to lend arms to Britain without officially taking their side in the war.
What is the Open Door Policy?
Policy where nations involved are to establish equal trading rights to trade with China. Nations are to respect Chinese trade, allow Chinese to collect tariff rates, and not levy ports. This allowed the US to trade with China without interference.
What are muckrakers? Give an example of a muckraker.
Journalists who began directing public attention towards social, economic, and political injustices. Examples: Lincoln Steffens, Ida Tarbell, and Jabob Riis
Why was the war so destructive? Name two new aspects of warfare that were introduced in WWI that caused the high casualty rates and mass destruction.
Trench Warfare: both sides just bombed each otherâs trenches, empty middle ground and no area to charge and attack, New Tech: machine guns and high power artillery, mobile weapons to combat trenches, Intense Naval Power: U-Boats, Air Force power: dropping bombs
What is escapism? What forms of entertainment fueled escapism?
Distracting from daily life.
Artists and intellectuals, radio, movies, and literature and journalism
What were three factors that led to the Pearl Harbor attack?
Expansion of Empire- Japan wanted to continue its imperialism, Embargo- the US had limited their access to resources like oil and steel, US Naval Fleet Expansion- the US Navy was growing which became an increasing threat to Japan.
What sparked the declaration of war by the US against Spain?
The explosion of the USS Maine battleship, which may not have been caused by Spain⌠However, it sparked chaos as the ship was meant to protect Cuban civilians and made Congress believe that the Spanish wanted war.
What was the Panic of 1907? Who saved the U.S.?
Bad banking decisions and intense amount of money withdrawals from banks but JP Morgan and other wealthy other wealthy bankers pulled the nation out of the economic frenzy
Why was the Paris Peace Conference unsuccessful?
It was mainly led by the Allied Nations only, it forced compensation and debt onto the losing nations who were not able to afford it, it only angered the losing nations more which led to more build up for future wars⌠and the League of Nations was not effective as it did not establish international policy well.
What was The New Deal?
Domestic programs, public works projects, and financial reforms and regulations made by FDR in the U.S. with the hopes of addressing the Great Depression
What did labor unions gain during World War II?
Factory owners were more willing to accommodate the workers' demands as they couldnât afford to lose product production.
What concept helped justify imperialism by Americans? Explain the concept.
Anglo-Saxonism- belief that descendants of English people are more civilized and advanced than others, especially because of their organized government and living style.
What was eugenics? Is it accepted as a science today?
An effort, with no scientific research, to grade races and ethnic groups according to their genetic qualities. No it is not accepted as a science.
How did new technology change society in the 1920s-30s? Give 2 examples
Automobiles: spurred new transportation and industry, Radio: family time around the radio, new ways to spread news, Telephone: new way to communicate
How many days were in a âBank Holidayâ?
4 days
What was the significance of St. Louis?
Victims of the Holocaust were on this ship and country after country denied their entry. The U.S. had the visas to provide them but Secretary Breckinridge was an anti-semetic who turned down victims on those ships. Many returned back to Europe and even ended up back in concentration camps.
What does the Platt Amendment show about American ideas of dominance in the western hemisphere?
The Platt Amendment, which forced the Cuban government to allow the American government to interfere in its government, shows how Americans believed the US was dominant in the western hemisphere and wanted to establish control over all nations to expand imperialism.
What were the 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th amendment?
16th: Federal Income Tax
17th: Senate Election from the people
18th: Temperance
19th: Womenâs suffrage
What was the Harlem Renaissance?
A cultural movement that started in Harlem, NY where African Americans would celebrate their culture through music and entertainment (jazz, theater, etc).
How were Asian Americans affected by the Great Depression?
Little job opportunities, agricultural competition, couldnât work outside of established communities.
What was V-E Day?
On April 30th, Soviet forces in Belgium surrounded Hitler and he killed himself. May 18th, German defenses surrendered. V-E Day or Victory in Europe.