Why was Pearl Harbor important in the Pacific?
It was important due to its trade and military operations.
What was Wilson’s plan called?
14 points plan
What development made the product of automobiles easy?
Assembly line
What company became popular for its animated films?
How did the Great Depression end?
It was due to WW2 as war created jobs and increased production.
Who were the Rough Riders and what were they famous for?
They were a voluntary cavalry Regiment by Theodore Roosevelt and were famous for their charge up San Juan Hill in Cuba.
What movement advocated for sterilization of people with intellectual disabilities, criminals, and others?
Eugenics Movement
What was the American Plan?
Crusade for the open shop, where a worker was not required to join an union, corporate leaders worked hard to spread misinformation about unionism
What does the acronym RFC stand for, and what did they do?
Reconstruction Finance Corporation; Took 230 million dollars and divided it up among businesses and banks to help them regroup; unsuccessful in the end because scope was too large
What was the Washington Conference?
A final attempt to prevent a costly and destabilizing naval arms race between US, Great Britain, and Japan, dramatic reductions in navy and scrapping of many existing ships, Five-Power + Four-Power + Nine-Power Acts
What ideologies did Alfred Thayer Mahan argue for?
He argued in the influence of sea power that global power depended on naval strength.
What were three main reasons for suffrage?
Equality under law, Expanding Democracy, Representation of Women’s issues
What was the Teapot Dome Scandal?
Rich naval oil reserves in teapot dome Wyoming leased to wealthy business men Secretary of Interior Fall could ease his financial troubles
Who were the Bonus Marchers?
WW1 vets went to Congress to protest for a thousand dollars promised to them before, Hoover becomes mad at them and kicks them out of DC
What was the American operation “Magic” used to break?
It broke the Japanese “Purple Code” similar to the Enigma Code from the Germans.
Who proposed the Open Door Policy and what was his position?
It was proposed by Sec. of State John Hay.
What did Booker T. Washington advocate for?
He advocated for vocational education and economic progress as a pathway to equality.
What was the National Origins Act of 1924?
Rigid limit of 150k immigrants a year, banned immigration from East Asia entirely, strengthened the exclusionist provision from 1921 (quota of number of people from foreign countries
What were the four main causes of the Great Depression?
Overproduction/lack of diversification, maldistribution of wealth, weak banking system, declining exports
What strategy did MacArthur use to lead one of the major attacks by the US?
He used the Island-Hopping strategy.
What was Anglo Saxonism (the ideas)? Be specific with the “type” of people
It routed the ideas of Social Darwinism and the belief that Anglo-Saxons were destined to lead and uplift “inferior” peoples.
What did Marcus Garvey promote?
He promoted Black pride and economic self sufficiency.
What was the name of the organization led by A. Philip Randolph? (no abbreviation)
Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters
What was the Public Works Program?
Built lots of infrastructure using government money, more buildings and jobs were made for building the infrastructure , but this was only temporary employment.
Some Native Americans served as ______ in the military.
Code Talkers