Which policy opened China to US trade
Open Door Policy
What did the 19th amendment do?
gave women suffrage
What is the name of the Telegram intercepted by Americans from Germany to Mexico to convince them join the war
Zimmerman Telegraph(gram)
The Dust Bowl was mostly located near/in what state (Hint: people fleeing the Dust Bowl were also called a shortened version of this state)
Why was the Chinese Exclusion Act repealed
China became a member of the Allies in WW2
Who was the author of Influence of Sea Power, explained how bigger naval army correlated to more powerful nations
Alfred Thayer Mahan
What did progressives create to counter corruption?
initiative, referendum, and recall
Women who could smoke, drink, dance, wear seductive clothes and makeup, and attend lively parties were characteristic of what type of culture in the 20’s
What was the Name of the “army” that marched to Washington D.C and protested for a pay hike at the steps of the Capitol Building
Bonus Army
How did the Americans win at Midway
They broke the Japanese code with Magic
What was the Platt Amendment
set of instructions allowing US to intervene in Cuban affairs but ending their occupation in Cuba
Who was the “mother” of the settlement house movement
Jane Adams
What movement/law in the 20’s lead to a rise in organized crime and mobsters like Al Capone
What was the federal law of the New Deal era designed to boost agricultural prices by reducing surpluses. The government bought livestock for slaughter and paid farmers subsidies not to plant on part of their land
Agricultural Adjustment Act
What was the purpose of the Good Neighbor Policy?
to improve relations with Latin American countries and reduce the US military and political influence in their domestic affairs
What brigade of fighters did Teddy Roosevelt most famously lead in battles like the Battle of San Juan Hill
Rough Riders
Why did Upton Sinclair publish “The Jungle?”
to expose the working conditions of laborers in meatpacking industry and also expose filth in the food
The Sacco and Vanzetti Case was an important example of
Racism/ discrimination/ persecution against immigrants in the time of WW1
What is escapism, and how was this concept reflected in culture at the time
How americans didnt care about serious issues, wanted to live life happily, seen in radio shows and movies
How did the US help the allies during WW2 while remaining neutral?
through the neutrality acts and the “cash and carry” policy
Why did the US start the Spanish American War
Control over Cuba, USS Maine, Economic Reasons
How do W. E. B Dubois’ and Booker T. Washington’s opinions differ on how African Americans should improve their social status
Washington: self-improvement rather than fighting for rights, Dubois was opposite
What are the differences between Big Stick Diplomacy, Dollar Diplomacy, and Moral Diplomacy
Big Stick: America ruling over others Dollar: loan other poorer nations money to make them dependent on the U.S Moral: only support countries who believe what the U.S believe.
What was the Tennessee Valley Authority
Created as part of new deal, to provide navigation, flood control, electricity generation, fertilizer manufacturing, regional planning, and economic development to the Tennessee Valley, and therefore more employment
What were the Zoot Suit Riots
violent clashes where American servicemen attacked young Mexican American men wearing zoot suits