The 23rd amendment gave citizens of _____________ the ability to vote.
Washington D.C.
An organization of individuals with common interests who organize to win an election and operate the government is known as what?
Political parties
If a person votes for only Republicans, is this considered a straight or split ticket?
Straight ticket
If a voter does NOT have to declare their political affiliation before voting in a primary election, would this be considered an open or closed primary?
Open primary
Trump calling Biden "Sleepy Joe" is an example of which propaganda technique?
What did the 19th amendment do?
Gave women the right to vote
One of the two major political parties in the U.S. that is characterized by supporting social programs such as welfare and foreign aid.
Name the three types of voting ("When" to vote).
Same day, Early, & Absentee (AKA "Mail-in")
How many electoral college votes are needed in order to win the presidency?
Celebrities officially supporting one particular political candidate is known as __________.
The 15th amendment states that citizens cannot be denied the right to vote because of ____________.
Name the first two political parties in America.
Democratic-Republicans and Federalists.
Name at least three of the characteristics that one must have in order to vote.
US citizen, Registered to vote, Resident of the state that you will vote in, 18 years of age or older, Not serving a criminal conviction
What is the definition of a swing state?
A state that does not consistently vote either Republican or Democrat, but rather has swung back-and-forth between voting for Republicans and Democrats.
Which propaganda technique would this be: "Bob Ross is the candidate of the future!"
The 24th amendment eliminated ______ ______.
Poll Taxes
Explain the difference between partisan and bipartisan.
Partisan: members stick to their own parties; Bipartisan: members of opposing parties find common ground
Name the three types of ballots that we learned about in class.
Butterfly Ballot, Scanned Paper Ballot, Direct Recording Device
At what event is a candidate officially nominated that party's presidential candidate?
Make up two examples of politicians using "Just Plain Folks" and "Glittering Generality."
Various answers will be accepted.
Which amendment lowered the voting age from 21 to 18?
26th Amendment
Name the main political figures that each of the 3 levels of political parties attempt to elect.
National: President; State: Governor; Local: Mayor
What is the nickname for the day in February or March when the greatest number of U.S. states (1/3 of all states) hold primary elections and caucuses?
Super Tuesday
Which state is host to the first caucus of each election?
Name all seven propaganda techniques that politicians often use during their campaign.
Name-Calling, Glittering Generality, Stacked Cards, Endorsement, Bandwagon, Just Plain Folks, Symbols