Fishing, farming, forestry, and mining are part of which economic sector
Primary Sector
When and where did the Industrial Revolution begin
1800's AND England
Tourism to exotic or threatened ecosystems to observe wildlife or to help preserve nature.
What is the basic understanding of the Webers least cost theory
That Manufactuers build their manufacturing sites where cost are the lowest
Total value of goods produced and services provided in a country during one year
GDP (Gross Domestic Product)
Is contracting work out to noncompany employees or other countries - example: customer service call center in India
Most people in the United States work in this economic sector, such as retail, marketing, banking, etc.?
Tertiary Sector
The decline of manufacturing in an area, caused by moving of manufacturing to periphery countries
A post-industrial zone in the northeastern United States. (abandoned factories)
Rust Belt
What are the 2 major factors that determine location of manufacturing
Measures the value of goods and services produced by country’s citizens both domestically and aboard
GNP (Gross National Product)
A process where Businesses move themselves to nations with cheaper labor cost and less regulations
This economic sector involves the processing of raw materials, such as manufacturing and building
Secondary Sector
A event known as the Scamble for _________ where European competed with each other to conquer the Continent for it's rich resources
Groups of nations that agree to reduce barriers to trade like eliminating tariffs with one another
Examples are the European Union, NAFTA, and OPEC
Trading Blocs
An industry in which the final product weighs more or comprises a greater volume than the inputs (example: the production of automobiles)
Bulk-Gaining Industry (Weight Gaining)
GNP divided by a country’s population so that you have an estimated income per person
Gross National Income Per Capita
Industrial areas where the gov't creates specialized policies and desirable investment and or manufacturing conditions to attract businesses
EPZ's (Export Processing Zones)
Which sector of the economy are these examples in?
Service workers, Construction workers, Heb Employees
tertiary Sector
What two important technologies supported the transportation of finished goods to markets during the industrial revolution
Railroads, Trains, steamboats, Canals
A Theory that places countries into periphery and core categories
Wallerstein’s World Systems Theory
An industry in which the final product weighs less or comprises a lower volume than the input. (Example:production of potato chips)
Bulk-Reducing Industry (Weight Losing)
examines three features of a country’s human development: long and healthy life, knowledge, and standard of living
Human Development Index (HDI)
Zones Within Mexico Northern States that offer cheap labor, low regulations, and low business taxes to attract foreign manufacturing
Mr. Salgado would be part of this economic sector
Quaternary Sector
The ______________ of the industrial revolution happend through the expansion of trade helped by new innovations of trains and steam ships
A region of many hightech businesses (agglomeration) Silicon Valley, CA
Why is China the best example of the least cost theory in action today?
Because of China's low labor cost, ease of transportation, and low regulations
measures gender inequality, and looks at reproductive health, levels of empowerment, and labor-market participation
Gender Inequality Index (GII)
a location where transfer is possible from one mode of transportation to another.
break bulk