A tree’s roots allow it to absorb water from the soil. What is another function of a tree’s roots?
To support the plant
Which group of vertebrates possesses gills and two sets of paired fins, and is generally adapted to living in water?
Why does the stem of a bean plant grow upward?
The stem is growing toward a source of light.
What is the primary function of both the external skeleton of a crab and the internal skeleton of a seagull?
They provide strength and support for the body.
The red mulberry tree produces a great deal of fruit. What is the purpose of this fruit?
The fruit contains seeds that will allow the plant to reproduce.
The needles of the scrub pine tree are green and serve a role similar to the leaves of a flowering plant. What is their primary role?
Food Production
Which of the following describes a mammal?
A warm-blooded animal that nurses its young.
Denise noticed that alligators at a park were more active in the summer. Why would this be true?
Alligators are reptiles and are less active when it is cold outside.
What is the primary purpose of the trunk of a red mulberry tree?
A wolf has fur covering its body, bears live young, and nourishes its pups with milk. What type of animal is it?
How does gravity play a factor in the growth of the roots of a growing bean seed plant?
The roots will continue to grow downward.
A salamander has moist skin, lays eggs, and breathes through lungs or gills. What type of animal is it?
Carl visited a Florida nature park during different seasons and saw that turtles moved less in the winter. Why?
Turtles are reptiles and are less active when it is cold outside.
Which group of animals has four legs, relies on the environment to regulate body temperature, and does not need to absorb water through the skin?
An animal usually has a tongue and stomach, which allow it to take in nutrients. Which part of a plant functions most like these structures?
What part of plants functions most like the digestive organs of animals?
A snake has an internal skeleton, cannot breathe underwater, and relies on outside sources of heat to keep its body temperature constant. What type of animal is it?
Heat stimulates new plants to grow. If Florida has a very cold winter, how will buried acorns respond?
The acorns will sprout when it becomes warmer.
Which of the following best describes the function of all body coverings?
They protect the animals.
Southern Magnolias produce a creamy white flower that turns into a fruit with red berries. What is the purpose of the fruit?
The fruit contains seeds that will allow the plant to reproduce.
If a plant is placed on its side, what can you expect to happen?
Some animals have body structures that help them blend into their environment to avoid predators. What is the term for this survival strategy?
Certain animals, like bears, go into a deep sleep during the winter to conserve energy when food is scarce. What is this process called?
Unlike vertebrates, some invertebrates like arthropods rely on an external skeleton for protection and movement. What is this type of skeleton called?
Some plants can reproduce without seeds by growing new plants from spores. What plants can reproduce using spores?
Mosses or Ferns