Answers may vary:
2/3, 8/12, 12/18 and so on.
3/5 and 6/12
What is 3/5 > 6/12 or 6/12 < 3/5
Write this number as a fraction: 0.50
What is 5/10 or 50/100
Compare these decimals using symbols (<, >, =)
0.96 and 0.45
What is 0.96 > 0.45 or 0.45 < 0.96
Nora's dog weighs 36.29 pounds. Adley's dog weighs 54.27 pounds. Which dog weighs more?
What is Adley's dog.
Complete the fraction equation:
3/10 = ?/100
(write this on your whiteboard to see it better)
What is 30/100.
Multiply both sides by 10
Compare these two fractions:
3/6 and 9/18
What is =
Write this Mixed fraction as a decimal: 5 62/100
What is 5.62
Compare these decimals using symbols (<, >, =)
1.92 and 3.07
What is 1.92<3.07 or 3.07 > 1.92
Daxton's bag of Taki's weighs 2.88 pounds. Ivey's bag of Taki's weigh 2 92/100. Who's Taki's weigh more? Write a comparison sentence.
Who is Ivey. 2.88 < 2.92
Write 5 fractions equivalent to 1/4.
Answers may vary:
2/8, 3/12, 4/16, 5/20, 6/24, and so on
Put these fractions in order from least to greatest.
2/3, 10/12 1/6
What is:
1/6, 2/3, 10/12
Write as a decimal:
Three and thirty five hundredths.
What is 3.35
Compare these decimals using symbols (<, >, =)
1.2 and 1.02
What is 1.2 > 1.02 or 1.02 < 1.2
What is I don't agree. 5.8 and 5.80 are the same. You just add a zero to the end of the decimal and it doesn't change the number.
What is 4/5
Sarah spends 5/6 of the day reading her book. Noah spends 6/8 of his day reading his book. Who reads more?
Write a equality (<,>, =) sentence.
What is 5/6 > 6/8. Sarah reads more.
A ant has a length of 9/100. Write as a decimal
The length of strings for a crochet project are below. Which two color strings are the same?
Yellow: 2.6
Green: 2.06
Black: 2.60
Blue: 6.20
What are Yellow and Black.
Jude and Elijah each bought a bag of Taki's. Their Taki's were the same except that Elijah's bag was bigger than Jude's. Each boy ate 1/3 of their bag.
Did they eat the same amount? Explain using a picture.
What is no, they are different size bags. (Check pictures).
Write an equivalent fraction with the least possible denominator (simplify).
What is 4/5
3/4 2/5
2/3 5/9
What is: 2/5
What is: 7/10, 0.7, and 0.70
1.20, 2.2, 1.02, 0.32
What is: 2.2, 1.20, 1.02, 0.32
What is Gluten Free Flour.