this more than doubled the size of the United States
The Louisiana Purchase
selected to lead an expedition of Louisiana Territory
Meriwether Lewis
Who was George Washington's wife?
Martha Washington
What the first capital of the United States?
New York City
What do you call a baby goat?
A kid
body of electors who vote for the president
electoral college
2nd president of the United States
John Adams
Where did Washington pick as the permanent location of the capital of the United States?
Washington D.C.
How was the vice president determined during this time period?
The person who had the second most votes for president became vice president
What was my softball number in college?
groups that help elect and shape policies
political parties
3rd president of the United States
Thomas Jefferson
That the rebels threatened the federal government's authority
What happened during the election of 1800?
It was a tie for president
What city is the Golden Gate bridge located in?
San Francisco, CA
a place to make coins
national mint
Secretary of Treasury
Alexander Hamilton
What did Washington's Neutrality Proclamation state?
The U.S. would not take sides with European countries at war
What two political parties dominated this time period?
Who is the youngest sibling in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe?
department heads who advise the president
Chief Justice of the United States
John Marshall
What three warnings did George Washington give the American Republic when retiring?
1.He warned against forming political ties with other countries, because it could draw the U.S. into war
2.He believed disagreements between political groups weakened government- political unity was a key to national success
3.He also warned against too much public debt- he thought the government should try to not borrow money
What court case helped establish the court's power of judicial review?
Marbury v. Madison
What are the names of the seven dwarves in Snow White?
Doc, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Dopey, Sneezy, Bashful