The growth of industry (factories) is called:
Another word for workers.
The opening of new _____________ created more jobs.
These immigrants were drawn to California by the Gold Rush, and worked on the transcontinental railroad.
Chinese immigrants
This movement believed that the way to truth was through closeness with nature.
The process of more people moving into the city for jobs is __________.
This part of the country had the biggest growth of industry.
The North.
These immigrants mainly worked in the North and on the East Coast, also in construction projects.
Advocate for women's rights who organized the Seneca Falls Convention.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
This invention greatly increased the amount of slavery in the South.
The Cotton Gin
To improve society:
This war reduced trade, and forced the U.S. to become more independent.
The War of 1812.
This man invented the cotton gin, and popularized interchangeable parts.
Eli Whitney
Transcendentalist author who wrote "Walden;" he was strongly opposed to both slavery and the Mexican-American War.
Henry David Thoreau
The system of business in the United States is:
Free enterprise
This movement was for spiritual revival and a better society.
The Second Great Awakening.
This project greatly increased the prosperity of the North and Midwest.
The Erie Canal.
Horace Mann.
Author of "Uncle Tom's Cabin," a book that strongly influenced Americans' attitudes toward slavery.
Harriet Beecher Stowe
These two innovations allowed for the more efficient movement of people and goods west.
Hint: Steel
Railroads and steamboats.
This is the belief that immigrants were stealing jobs from Americans who were born here.
This trade policy helped protect American businesses.
Protective tariffs.
Former slave who was one of the most influential speakers on women's rights and abolitionism.
Sojourner Truth
White abolitionist who published "The Liberator."
William Lloyd Garrison