Based on the map, what area was most industrialization located?
Rules focusing on behavior and punishment of enslaved people. Laws in Southern States that controlled enslaved people.
Slave codes.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Lucretia Mott helped organize the first Women's right convention where?
Seneca Falls
A community based on a vision of the perfect society.
"Immigrants are taking our jobs and hurting our way of life"
Who would say this quote?
A. Mormons
B. Nativists
What invention did Samuel Morse perfect to communicate with over long distances?
The Quakers were known for believing in?
A. Religious Freedom
B. Being British loyalist
C. Anti slavery
D. Anti Native American
Anti Slavery.
Susan B. Anthony & Lucretia Mott were both suffragists. What were they trying to achieve?
Womens rights.
A system of dots and dashes that represent the alphabet, used to communicate over a telegraph line
Morse Code.
A movement to decrease the consumption of alcohol due to its links to social problems. Led strongly by women.
Temperance movement.
Known piece of technology that increased cotton production and pushed for more slavery. Invented by Eli Whitney.
Cotten Gin.
A conductor of the Underground Railroad that led slaves to the north using secret routes. Who am I?
Harriet Tubman.
I was born into slavery, became a leading figure of women's rights and a champion against slavery. My famous poem is "Ain't I a woman." Who am I?
A. Susan B. Anthony
B. Sojourner
C. Harriet Tubman
B. Sojourner
A refusal to work unless better wages and working conditions were met.
A religious revival that encouraged people to do good deeds and reform society. Pushed temperance, anti slavery, and work reform for children.
Second Great Awakening.
What was the name of the immigrants that came during the industrial revolution due to the potato famine in their country? They were catholic.
The Irish
It was known to have sold more books than the bible during its publication in 1852 and sparked the Abolitionist movement. What is this book's name?
Uncle Toms Cabin
She was known to have advocated to the public about the conditions in prisons and helped create asylums for people with mental illness.
Dorothea Dix
An unfair opinion not based on facts.
A. Biased
B. Prejudice
C. Caring
D. Happiness
B. Prejudice.
A school for training high school graduates to become teachers.
A. Masters school
B. Normal school
C. Bachelors School
D. PHD school
B. Normal School
Name the 3 factors contributed to Industrialization.
A. Immigration
B. Growth of factories
C. Better Transportation
D. Labor Unions
Growth of factories
Better Transportation
I refused to pay taxes because I disagreed with the government's stance on slavery and the U.S. Mexican War. Who am I?
Henry David Thoreau.
"The history of mankind is a history of repeated injuries and on the part of man toward women, having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over her." What document is this quote from?
Declaration of Sentiments
An economic system in which people and companies own the means of production. This is the American system.
This person founded the first school for the deaf in the United States and helped develop sign language?
A. Louis Braille
B. Thomas Gallaudet
c. Samuel Gridley
B. Thomas Gallaudet.