Amiss (adj)
Faulty, imperfect, not as it should be
Domestic (adj)
Native to a country, not foreign; relating to the life or affairs of a household
Fluster (v)
To make or become confused, agitated, or nervous
Notable (adj) (n)
Striking, remarkable
A person who is well known, distinguished, or outstanding in some way
Prior (adj)
Earlier, former
Amiss (adv)
In a mistaken or improper way, wrongly
Domestic (n)
A household servant
Fluster (n)
A state of confusion or agitation
Nurture (v) (n)
To bring up, care for, train,, nourish
Rearing, training, upbringing
Proficient (adj)
Skilled, expert, or capable in any field or activity
Brawl (n)
A noisy quarrel or fight
Flagrant (adj)
Extremely bad, glaring; scandalous, notorious
Foremost (adj)
Chief, most important, primary
Paradox (n)
A self contradictory statement that on closer examination proves true; a person or thing with seemingly contradictory qualities
Salvo (n)
A burst of gunfire or cannon shot, often as a tribute or salute; a sudden burst of anything; a spirited verbal attack
Brawl (v)
To quarrel or fight noisily
Flaw (n)
A slight fault, defect, crack
Foremost (adv)
In the first place
Perjury (n)
Vigilant (adj)
Wide-awake, alert, watchful
Detest (v)
To hate, dislike very much, loathe
Fledgling (n) (adj)
An inexperienced person, beginner; a young bird about to leave the nest
Inexperienced: budding
Momentum (n)
The force or speed with which something moves
Presume (v)
To take for granted, assume or suppose; to dare, take upon oneself, take liberties
Wrath (n)
Intense anger