This Progressive-era third-party, founded by Teddy Roosevelt in 1912, promoted policies such as women's suffrage, labor rights, and stricter regulations on big businesses.
What is Bull Moose Party
Event that started the Spanish- American War
What is the USS Maine explosion
Despite President Woodrow Wilson’s efforts to promote this international peacekeeping organization after World War I, the U.S. Senate refused to ratify the Treaty of Versailles, preventing U.S. membership.
What is the League of Nations?
This 1899 policy aimed to ensure equal trading rights for all nations in China and prevent any single power from controlling trade in the region.
What is open door policy?
This sensationalistic style of journalism, named after a comic strip character, exaggerated news stories to sway public opinion, notably influencing the Spanish-American War.
What is yellow journalism?
This African American leader and co-founder of the NAACP in 1909 advocated for immediate civil rights, higher education, and political activism to combat racial inequality in the United States.
Who is W.E.B. Du Bois?
The Spanish American war finished with the signing of this treaty
What is the treaty of Treaty of Paris?
After this war, the U.S. was considered an imperial power by gaining what 3 territories
What is the Guam, Puerto Rico, & the Philippines
This constitutional amendment, ratified in 1913, allowed for the direct election of U.S. Senators by the people rather than by state legislatures, increasing democratic participation.
What is the 17th Amendment?
This pioneering social reformer and founder of Hull House worked to provide education, healthcare, and support for immigrants in Chicago, becoming a leading figure in the Progressive Movement.
Who is Jane Addams?
Territory that revolted and fought the U.S. over it's takeover
What is the Philippines?
This government agency, was created to coordinate the production of war materials, regulate industries, and ensure efficient resource allocation during World War I.
What is the War Industries Board?
In 1893, the U.S. backed the overthrow of this island nation's monarchy, leading to its eventual annexation in 1898 despite strong resistance from its native population.
What is Hawaii
This muckraking journalist wrote The History of the Standard Oil Company, exposing the monopolistic and unethical business practices of John D. Rockefeller’s oil empire.
Who is Ida Tarbell?
Teddy Roosevelt founded the Progressive Party in 1912. Name some of the things this party advocated for
What are initiative, referendum, recall, direct election of U.S. senators, min wage for women, 8 hour work day, etc?
Area that U.S imperialism gain “economic” control of
What is Cuba?
These are the causes of World War I
What is militarism, alliances, imperialism, nationalism, and the assassination
This 1901 addition to Cuba’s constitution allowed the United States to intervene in Cuban affairs and maintain a naval base at Guantanamo Bay, effectively limiting Cuba’s sovereignty.
What is the Platt Amendment?
This 1917 law made it a crime to interfere with military recruitment, support U.S. enemies, or obstruct the war effort, leading to controversial restrictions on free speech.
What is the Espionage Act?
This 1906 law was passed in response to Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle and aimed to regulate the meatpacking industry by establishing federal inspections and sanitary standards.
What is the Meat Inspection Act?
Teddy Roosevelt and the Roughriders fought on this hill in Cuba
What is San Juan Hill
Sinking of this ship is credited as the main cause of America joining World War I
What is the Lusitania
This U.S. policy, announced in 1904, expanded on the Monroe Doctrine by stating that the U.S. had the right to intervene in Latin American countries to preserve stability and protect its interests.
What is the Roosevelt Corollary?
This government agency, led by Herbert Hoover, was created to oversee food production and distribution during World War I, encouraging Americans to conserve food through campaigns like "Meatless Mondays" and "Wheatless Wednesdays."
What is the Food Administration?