CS 27
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CS 32 & 33

What was the name of the landmark Supreme Court case that declared state laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students unconstitutional?

Brown v. Board of Education


What is one factor that sparked the growth of suburbs?

Automobile ownership 

Ability and demand to purchase homes


What does the term "Reaganomics" refer to in U.S. economic policy?

A set of economic policies introduced by President Ronald Reagan in the 1980s, emphasizing tax cuts, deregulation, and free-market principles.


What inventions were created in the 1990s that changed communication forever? 

Personal Computer 

Mobile Phone



Who committed the attacks on 9/11?

Extremist group al-Qaeda


What was the purpose of the Freedom Rides in 1961?

To protest segregated bus terminals


What is one societal change the economic boom of the 1950s caused? 

Increased consumerism 


Pop culture 

Increased mobility


What was the "Great Society" program introduced by President Lyndon B. Johnson?

A series of domestic initiatives aimed at reducing poverty and racial injustice, expanding access to healthcare and education, and promoting economic opportunity.


What was one economic change caused by an increase in technology? 

Increase in global market 

Transition from manufacturing to service industry 


What did the patriot act allow the federal government to do for national security purposes?

The Patriot Act expanded the authority of law enforcement agencies to conduct surveillance of suspected terrorists, including the use of wiretaps, electronic surveillance, and access to business records and other personal information, and monitoring of financial transactions. 


What was the purpose of the Voting Rights Act of 1965?

To protect the right to vote for African Americans


What does the term "redlining" refer to in the context of housing and urban development?

A discriminatory practice of denying loans or insurance to people based on their race or neighborhood


What is the EPA in the United States?

A federal agency responsible for enforcing laws that protect human health and the environment by regulating pollution and conducting research.


Give an example of a service industry job 






What is Guantanamo bay?

 A detention facility for individuals suspected of terrorism or involvement with terrorist organizations.


What is the primary focus of Title IX legislation?

Ensuring gender equity in education, including sports programs


Why did people primarily move out of the Rust Belt and into the Sun Belt during the latter half of the 20th century?

To escape harsh winters and enjoy warmer climates

To pursue job opportunities in industries like technology, aerospace, and tourism


Did "Reaganomics" improve the economy? 

Some argue that Reaganomics, characterized by tax cuts, deregulation, and a focus on free-market principles, led to economic growth, reduced inflation, and increased investment. 

Others argue that it exacerbated income inequality, increased national debt, and failed to address structural issues in the economy. Evaluating its success or failure often involves analyzing long-term economic trends and considering different socioeconomic indicators.


What is a trade deficit? 

A trade deficit means that a country is buying more goods and services from other countries than it is selling to them


How did the mortgage crisis of 2008 happen?

High Risk mortgages also known as subprime lending


What was the primary goal of the NOW movement?

Achieving gender equality in all aspects of society


What were the primary effects of the 1965 Immigration Act? 

It ended discriminatory immigration quotas based on nationality leading to increased immigration from non-European countries.


What does the debate over national security consists of?

Balance between security and civil liberties


Which country does the U.S. have the largest trade deficit with? 



Why does the U.S. have an increased role with political unrest in the middle east?

vast oil reserves in the middle east

to combat terrorism and extremist groups

longstanding alliances with countries in the Middle East