Spread antislavery message abroad and outside the United States. This person was also an editor for the newspaper named The North Star
Frederick Douglass
Cleaned seeds out of the cotton to where you no longer had to do it by hand
Cotton Gin
Inventor of the cotton gin and interchangeable parts.
Eli Whitney
Based on type of goods and serviced that its people PRODUCE
This war was the main cause of the Industrial Revolution in the United States
War of 1812
Famouse female abolitionist who was a supporter of abolition and women's rights. Her speech was titled "Ain't I a Woman".
Sojourner Truth
Sent pulses of electricity along a wire
Allowed people to communicate without letters
“Morse Code”
Samuel Morse
Inventor of the Steel Plow which made planting easier
John Deere
Businesses that sell products DIRECTLY to consumers BUT do not usually produce it themselves.
Ex: HEB, Walmart, Amazon
These two main countries primarily had immigrants to the United States during the Industrial Revolution
Witnesed numerous acts of abuse towards slaves. She would later marry a professor of religion and write numerous books on social reform issues.
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Transported goods and people more efficiently along riverways
Steam Boat
Inventor of the telegraph.
Samuel Morse
Businesses that make or build certain products or type of products.
Ex: Nike, Apple, Samsung
Explain the main economies of the North, South, and Western United States.
South- Agriculture
North- Factories
West- Mining
The name of a famous abolition novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Prepared ground for planting easier
Steel Plow
Inventor of the Mechanical Reaper
Cyrus McCormick
The creation of a new product is called __________.
Latin name for the government having no say in what or who you buy from
Laissez Faire
The biological name of Sojourner Truth
Used to cut grain from fields. This allowed farmers to plant more crops
Mechanical Reaper
Inventor of the Steam Boat
Robert Fulton
A company that produces a good or service is called a __________.
Political party in the United States that was formed to LIMIT IMMIGRATION and keep immigrants from voting.
Know-Nothing Party