Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Unit 8
WWII movies
Classic Movies

The refusal of the United States to join the (LON) reflected a desire of the nation to?

Return to a policy of isolation


Name the action taken by President Roosevelt that permitted military commanders to require Japanese Americans to relocate to intern camps away from Western coastal regions.

Executive order 9066


What policy announced by President Roosevelt helped replace the "Big Stick policy"? 

Good Neighbor policy


Who plays the main character in Saving Private Ryan?

Tom Hanks


Who directed Pulp Fiction?

Quentin Tarintino 


What was the major goal of the United States foreign policy in the 1930s?

Provide defensive weapons to our European friends


Name two ways in which the federal government mobilized to assist the war effort in WWII.

Scrap drives, victory gardens


What effect did the end of WWII have on American women who worked in defense industries during the war?

Their jobs were taken by men returning from the military


What movie follows a Nazi boy who finds a friend in a jew and would later die in a gas chamber?

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas


Who played Luke Skywalker in the original StarWars Trilogy?

Mark Hamill


Name two actions taken by the United States before WWII that sought to maintain an Isolationist policy.

Good Neighbor policy, Kellogg-Briand pact


Victory gardens were used by Americans in the war effort as a way to?

Raise more food for home consumption


The neutrality laws passed in the 1930s were based on the assumption that the surest way to avoid war was for the United States too?

Restrict loans to warring nations and limit trade with them


What movie made in 2017 was about WWII?



What was Indiana Jones' job when he was not on an adventure?

Historian and professor 


Name two reasons for Isolationism.

Americans were cut off by two oceans from Europe and Asia, Americans were disenchanted with problems in the world


Which action demonstrates the United States effort to isolate itself from European conflicts after WWI?

Refusing to join the (LON)


What did the role played by the Tuskegee Airmen indicate about race relations in WWII?

African Americans were involved in combat operations during WWII


Who plays the main character in the 2014 movie about WWII called Fury?

Brad Pitt


What is the movie that follows an Italian family which is also the Mafia?

The Godfather

Name two changes in America's traditional policy of Isolationism.

Entered into a destroyer for bases agreement, congress passed the Lend-Lease act


What was the primary reason that President Franklin D. Roosevelt announced the "Good Neighbor policy" in 1933?

To improve relations with Latin American nations


Describe two effects WWII had on American domestic society and lifestyles?

Rationing, women took over men roles


What three big named actors all play in Monuments Men? 

George Clooney, Matt Damon, and Bill Murray


What is the film that follows a mentally handicapped man who would go on to join the military, create a shrimp business, and become an amazing ping pong player? 

Forest Gump