A state of physiological equilibrium/stability
What is homeostasis?
When you see a snake slithering toward you, you simultaneously experience fear and your heart starts pounding. (theory)
What is Cannon-Bard theory?
The theory that attributes personality to unconscious factors and past childhood experiences
What is psychodynamic theory?
Every time you walk past your crush at school, you flick their ear and laugh
What is reaction formation?
A procedure used to identify closely related clusters of personality traits
What is factor analysis?
The theory that suggests you are internally pushed to find water when you are thirsty
What is drive-reduction theory?
"I feel nervous because my palms are sweaty." (theory)
What is James-Lange theory?
The impulsive component of personality
What is the id?
After failing three exams in one day, you go home to blow off steam by playing Grand Theft Auto
What is displacement?
The term used to describe beliefs about your own personality such as "I'm hardworking" or "I'm pretty"
What is self-concept?
Receiving $5 for each "A" on your report card illustrates this type of motivator
What is an incentive?
When students perceive the arousal that accompanies test-taking as energizing rather than debilitating, they experience much less anxiety. (theory)
What is Two-Factor theory?
The component of personality that seeks to delay gratification of urges until appropriate
What is the ego?
A mother who couldn't make it in Broadway now does everything she can to support her child's "dream" to become a Broadway star
What is projection?
Someone who prefers to try local restaurants rather than commercial chains when in a new city would likely score highly in this Big Five trait
What is openness?
Principle that explains why you might need to watch TV while folding laundry but quiet to read your textbook
What is Yerkes-Dodson law?
This notion would support the use of Botox injection in the forehead to paralyze the facial muscles responsible for frowning as a treatment for depression
What is the facial-feedback hypothesis?
The level of awareness in which your mom's first name is located (before I asked this question)
What is the preconscious?
A woman who recently went through a breakup channels her emotions into a home improvement project
What is sublimation?
The term underlying the notion that "what a man can be, he must be"
What is self-actualization?
The hormone that promotes satiety
What is leptin?
The brain structure thought of as the emotional control center
What is the amygdala?
Freud's term for a young boy's guilty feelings of attraction for their mother and jealousy of their father
What is the Oedipus complex?
(not tested)
Repression is thought to represent a failure in which process of memory?
What is retrieval?
Even though her friends have tried to show her a copy of the exam she is about to take, Jayne refuses to cheat. She would likely score high on the Big Five trait of...
What is conscientiousness?