King of France during the French Revolution
Louis XVI
This event symbolizes a shift in power to the people. It began due to beliefs of the monarchy hiding weapons.
Storming of the Bastille
Declared a "traitor" and sentenced to death by guillotine
King Louis XVI
The name of the man who took over French government at the end of the revolution
The group of people from the Third Estate who left the Estates General. Their new political group was called this.
National Assembly
What are the natural rights of humans?
Life, liberty, property
Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, protection of natural rights, innocent until proven guilty, no arbitrary arrests, laws against injuring society, etc.
The government created in October 1791 that contained the Sans-Culottes and the Jacobins
Legislative Assembly
The name of the system Napoleon had created for the French government
'three consul' system
What document influenced the Declaration of the Rights of Man?
Declaration of Independence
The belief that different branches of government should be in charge in order to "check" each other
Separation of powers
During this event, thousands marched 13 miles to demand the King and Queen move back to Paris.
Women's March on Versailles
The name of the man on the Committee for Public Safety who is remembered as heading the "Reign of Terror"
Maximilien Robespierre
This unsuccessful group of government ran from 1795-1799. During it's time in power, French nationalism grew greatly.
The Directory
Define a "conservative" during the French Revolution
Would like to move slowly when bringing about change. Very protective of those parts of the Old Regime which provide a good life.
Describe who is in each of the three estates.
First Estate: the clergy
Second Estate: the nobles
Third Estate: middle class, working class, and peasants
This document set up a limited monarchy in place of an absolute. Taxpaying male citizens over 25 could be lawmakers
Constitution of 1791
Name of the government consisting of radicals that officially ended the monarchy and declared France a republic
True or false: Napoleon gained support from people of all classes.
Peasants were relieved when he recognized their right to lands they had bought from the Church and nobles during the revolution. The middle class, who had benefited most from the revolution, approved Napoleon’s economic reforms and the restoration of order after year of chaos.
List one of the Enlightened thinkers who influenced the revolution
DOUBLE points if you can explain their significance.
Locke- natural rights
Rousseau- desire for improvement sparks political action
Montesquieu- separation of powers
Voltaire- separation of church and state
What was the Third Estate's problem with how the Estates General was run?
They wanted voting to be by headcount instead of one per estate
The name of the man who created the National Guard- a middle class militia prepared to fight back against royal troops
Marquis de Lafayette
This country declared they would intervene if the violence in France threatened the monarchy too much
The name of the women who was executed for fighting for women's rights during the revolution
Olympe de Gouges