What Are Organs and Body Systems?
How Does the Body Stay Cool?
What Body Parts Enable Movement, Support, Respiration, and Circulation?
What Body Parts Enable Digestion, Waste Removal, and Reproduction?
A living thing.
What is an Organism?
Sensory structures are found in all the organs you use to sense. Your tongue has taste buds, your nose has chemical detectors and your eyes have rods and cones to sense light and images. What sensory structure does your ear have?
Ears have tiny hairs in the cochlea to sense vibrations.
When sweat evaporates, it removes what from your body?
Which two body systems work together to move parts of your body? (ex. arm, leg, finger)
Muscular and Skeletal
Males and females have different reproductive organs. What is the name of the reproductive organ that produce reproductive cells for males? What is the name of the organ that does the same for females?
Testes; Ovaries
The organ that processes information.
What is the brain?
Why are spinal cord injuries serious?
Possible answer: Your brain may not be to receive messages properly. This means you might not be able to move body parts or know when your body is hurt.
When a person gets hot, his or her skin produces sweat. When a dog gets hot it uses its moist tongue to pant. Why does a person's body cool more quickly than a dog's body?
A person's skin has more surface area than a dog's tongue does.
How are a plant's support structures similar to your support structures?
Plant stems hold it upright. Bones from my skeleton keep my body upright.
In addition to filtering waste and toxic chemicals out of your body, your urinary system also regulates what in your body?
Fluids; it makes sure your fluid levels are balanced.
A hard outer layer that is like having bones on the outside of the body.
What is an exoskeleton?
Honeybee's have "noses" on top of their antenna called chemoreceptors which detect chemicals in the air. How might a honeybee use chemoreceptors?
Honeybees use chemoreceptors to locate flowers, where they collect nectar.
Does sweat have to evaporate in order for your body to cool down?
Yes; the evaporation of sweat allows the body to release heat. Without evaporation, heat stays on the body.
Jamie has a cut on her arm. What is the role of the white blood cells in healing her cut?
The white blood cells fight off germs that enter the body through the cut.
Some organs in the digestive system never contain food, but are still important in properly digesting the food. What organs are the names of the organs that are being described? A. liver and pancreas B. kidneys and bladder C esophagus and stomach D. small and large intestines
A. liver and pancreas
The muscular organ that pumps blood through your body.
What is a heart?
Hair follicles, nerves, and blood are found in the dermis (inner layer) of your skin. Why do you think they are in this layer?
They are protected by the layer above them (the epidermis).
Around how many degrees Fahrenheit is the normal body temperature of a human?
Oxygen enters your body by air. That oxygen is then taken through the _________ system and passed along to the _________ system before being distributed to your cells.
Respiratory; Circulatory
Your excretory system uses 3 parts of your body to rid itself of waste and balance your water and salt levels: ___________, ____________, and the ____________.
Skin; lungs; excretory system
The organ that creates bile to break down fats so they are easier to digest.
What is a liver?
What would happen if your body did not have skin?
You would not be able to sweat to cool off or have insulation to keep warm. There would be no barrier to keep out germs and water. You would become dehydrated.
Danny has 5 thermometers. He wrapped each of them in a cloth, each soaked in 4 different liquids (Alcohol, Mineral Oil, Saltwater, Water) and left one cloth dry. He set them outside in the shade for 5 minutes. After that he recorded the temperature of each thermometer(SEE TABLE 1.) Which liquid evaporated the fastest?
Plants bring air into their bodies using structures called ________________.
Why is reading food labels important?
They help you understand exactly what is in each food so that you can get the nutrients your body needs and avoid what it doesn't need.