Climates effect
Which agent of erosion is mainly responsible for the formation of the depressions occupied by both the kettle lakes and finger lakes found in New York State? (1) Wind (3) Streams (2) Waves (4) Glaciers
4) Glaciers
In which climate would the chemical weathering of limestone occur most rapidly? 1) Cold and dry 2) Cold and humid 3) Warm and dry 4) Warm and humid
4) Warm and humid
Which size particle will remain suspended the longest as a river enters the ocean? A) Pebble C) Silt B) Sand D) Clay
C) Clay
A decrease in the velocity of this stream will most likely cause an increase in.... A) The amount of sediment carried by the stream B) The size of the particles carried by the stream C) Deposition within the stream channel D) Abrasion of the stream channel
C) Deposition within the stream channel
The shape of drumlins is most useful in determining the (1) Age of the glacier (3) Thickness of the glacial ice (2) Direction of glacial movement (4) Rate of glacial movement
2) direction of the glacial movement
Which factor has the greatest influence on the weathering rate of Earth’s surface bedrock? 1) Local air pressure 2) Angle of insolation 3) Age of the bedrock 4) Regional climate
4) Regional climate
Which statement best describes sediments deposited by glaciers and rivers? A) Glacial deposits and river deposits are both sorted. B) Glacial deposits are sorted, and river deposits are unsorted. C) Glacial deposits are unsorted, and river deposits are sorted. D) Glacial deposits and river deposits are both unsorted.
C) Glacial deposits are unsorted, and river deposits are sorted.
A stream with a velocity of 100 centimeters per second flows into a lake. Which sediment-size particles would the stream most likely deposit first as it enters the lake? A) Boulders B) Cobbles C) Pebbles D) Sand
C) Pebbles
Which particle sizes can be carried by a glacier; clay, silt, sand, pebbles, cobbles, boulders? 1) All of them 2) Clay, silt, and sand 3) Cobbles and boulders 4) Pebbles, sand
1) All of them
Which type of climate has the greatest amount of rock weathering caused by frost action? 1) A wet climate in which temperatures remain below freezing 2) A wet climate in which temperatures alternate from below freezing to above freezing 3) A dry climate in which temperatures remain below freezing 4) A dry climate in which temperatures alternate from below freezing to above freezing
What is a wet climate in which temperatures alternate from below freezing to above freezing
When small particles settle through water faster than large particles, the small particles are probably A) Lighter B) Flatter C) Better sorted D) More dense
D) More dense
Which change at a particular location in a stream usually causes more sediments to be deposited at that location? A) Decrease in stream velocity B) Decrease in stream width C) Increase in stream slope D) Increase in stream discharge
A) Decrease in stream velocity
What condition causes glaciers to retreat?
Increasing temperature, and a decrease of snow causes glaciers to retreat.
In hot, wet climates, bedrock rapidly weathers into soil because water 1) Dissolves many minerals 2) Expands when it freezes 3) Is part of most chemical compounds 4) Cools the surroundings when it evaporates
1) Dissolves many minerals
How do Rivers sort sediments?
The heaviest rocks get placed first and lightest get placed last.
What are the largest particles that a stream can transport when its velocity is 200 centimeters per second? A) Silt B) Sand C) Pebbles D) Cobbles
D) Cobbles
Which agents of erosion create sorted sediments, and which agents create unsorted sediments? (Hint: 2 part question)
Sorted sediments - running water and wind Unsorted sediments - gravity and glaciers
Which change in climate would most likely cause the greatest increase in chemical weathering of local bedrock?
Greater precipitation
Which New York State river flows generally southward?
What is Hudson River
In recent years, the trees in large areas of tropical rain forests have been cleared. As a result of this activity, the soil of these areas will... A) Become richer and deeper B) Become residual C) Develop more horizons D) Be eroded
D) Be eroded