Roaring Twenties
The Great Depression
History Makers
Dust Bowl
New Deal

This amendment produced a "Dry" America by outlawing liquors but resulted in an underground market that was controlled by the mafia.

What is the 18th Amendment?


This marks the beginning of the Great Depression and resulted from a dramatic plunge in stock prices.

What is Stock Market Crash of 1929?


The famous trumpeter who popularized Jazz music in the 1920's.

Who is Louis Armstrong?


A series of severe dust storms that devastates crops and livestock in the Midwest portion of the United States. The storms get so bad that it generates a mass migration out of the area. 

What is the Dust Bowl?


This is the presidential candidate who ran the "New Deal" campaign and promised to provide aid to struggling Americans. 

Who is Franklin Roosevelt?


This practice pioneered by the Ford Motor company allowed for companies to make a lot more products that decreased costs of production and drove an increase in consumer spending.

What is mass production or assembly line production?


These long term causes of the Great Depression produced enormous surpluses due to businesses making to much goods and the working class losing the ability to sustain buying levels.

What is overproduction and underconsumption?


Founder of an innovative motor company in Detroit who built Model T cars on an assembly line production.

Who is Henry Ford?


The most affected states of the Dust Bowl. 

What is Texas, Kansas, & Oklahoma?


The New Deal Programs were designed to provide:

_____________ - immediate action taken to halt the economies deterioration

_____________ - “Pump-priming” temporary programs to restart the flow of consumer demand

_____________ - Permanent programs to avoid another depression and insure citizens against economic disasters

What is the 3R's? (Relief, Reform, and Recovery)


This artistic movement was a outgrowth of the Great Migration during WWII in which African-American artists produced new forms of art, music, writing and culture.

What is the Harlem Rennaissance?


The derogatory term given to the shantytowns and homeless camps around America. It the term was meant to be a criticism of the policy of the president.

What are Hoovervilles?


President during the beginning of the Great Depression who chose to not provide government support for economic struggles.

Who is Herbert Hoover?


One cause of the Dust Bowl is that the region experienced a severe drought. That problem was made worse by this man made cause of the storms.

What is over farming of the land?


After showing cautious restraint through much of 1934, FDR chose to launch a bold new set of programs that established this act that was designed to provide aid to retired Americans.

What is the Social Security Act?


This new invention had the effect of uniting the American culture as it was found in most homes throughout the country and providing access to the same content or information everywhere.

What is the radio?


This is the result of the Great Depression on American society.

What was an increase in unemployment and homelessness?


An American poet, social activist, novelist, playwright, and columnist. One of the earliest innovators of the literary art form called jazz poetry, and is best known as a leader of the Harlem Renaissance.

Who is Langston Hughes?


This is the primary destination of Dust Bowlers migrating away from the destructive storms. 

What is California?


After being given an active role in FDR's administration, she used her position to hold press conferences and address social issues and critics of the president.

Who is Eleanor Roosevelt?


Achieving this milestone required a lengthy and difficult struggle—victory took decades of agitation and protest but at long last in 1919 this amendment was passed to expand suffrage rights to both sexes of the American populous. 

What is the 19th Amendment?


The practice of buying considerably risky stocks that present an opportunity for enormous profit or enormous loss.

What is stock market speculation?


He was a left-wing populist member of the Democratic Party and rose to national prominence during the Great Depression for his vocal criticism of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his New Deal, programs.

Who is Huey Long?


This New Deal program was created to help regulate the farming industry to limit crop production and set prices.

What is the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)?


This was an attempt by FDR to protect the legality of the New Deal programs that were being challenged in the courts. The initiative ultimately failed and created additional criticism of the policies and the administration.

What is the Court-Packing Bill?