gardens to save food for the troops
victory gardens
what percent of the us did unemployment hit
crops being turned to dust means what for the people
no food
what does ccc stand for
civilian conservation corps
about how many georgians served in WWI
about 100,000
what happened of black tuesday
the stock market crashed
what was the cause of the dust bowl
bad farming
what were the three r's
relief recovery and reform
what are war bonds
debt securities
how many years did the great depression last
1929-1941 (12 years)
where did most people go
war means what for the factories
up and working again
how did georgia show support
home and abroad
what was the date of black tuesday
october 29 1929
where did the dust bowl hit
texas, oklahoma, kansas, new mexico, colorado
who created the new deal
Franklin Roosevelt
how many military camps did georgia have
people were buying everything on what plans
installment plans
how did animals die
choking on the dust
what did the ccc do
gave unemployed men jobs