Age of Information
Digital World
Medical Advancements and Genetic Modification

After what major conflict was the EEC (the original name of the EU) formed?

WWI, WWII, Cold War, or The Balkan Wars


The idea was that economic interdependence makes wars and conflicts undesireable.


What does the term Brexit mean?

combination of the words British & Exit, refers to the UK's exit from the EU.

What were the first computers used for?

The first computers were mainly used for calculations.


What is the revolution caused by the advancements of computers and electronics made during the 1990s?

Digital Revolution

This revolution was centered around the development of the internet and mobile phones.


Which of these is not an advancement made during the 20th or 21st century?

Antibiotics, Organ Transplants, GMOs, Selective Breeding, Fertility Treatments

Selective Breeding

Selective Breeding was widely used during the 2nd Agricultural Revolution in the 18th century. In 1928 antibiotics were discovered and penicillin was then widely used. In 1954, the first kidney was successfully  transplanted. GMOs were introduced in 1973 which allowed organisms to be genetically modified to increase yields. Many improvements to fertility treatments were made during the 20th century including IVF.


What currency did EU member states adopt? (bonus points if you can also name the UKs currency)

The Euro

a common currency was established for EU member states (economic interdependence). The only EU member state that didn't adopt the Euro was the UK, which instead kept the Pound as their currency.


In 2016, a referendum took place that showed that the majority of British citizens...

Did not want to remain in the EU

After the referendum took place, it revealed that a little more than 50% of the British were not happy with being in the EU and instead wanted to leave.


How did the development of the television effect the lives of people?

The development of the television allowed for information to be displayed across a wide range of people and influence public opinion, political views, and inform audiences of products and events.


This type of application allows ideas and information to spread worldwide. Examples include YouTube, Tiktok, and Instagram.

Social Media

The creation of social media has allowed the world to become increasingly interconnected, allowing people to share information and events to people across the world.


Name a benefit of GMOs?

GMOs can be created to resist disease or yield more crops per harvest. In addition, some GMO crops can be made more flavorful and nutritious.


After the fall of communism, the EU expanded to this region of Europe.

Eastern Europe

The EU was very successful economically and could allow Eastern European countries to recover from their economic failures.


Differing from other EU member states, the UK wanted to keep their borders closed to prevent excess what?


EU member states kept their borders open to refugees from countries in the middle east and Africa, escaping from their home countries that have become unsafe due to war.


Name three uses for modern day computers?

Examples: Entertainment, Work, Communication, and Education


With the development of computers and other electronics such as cellphones, people have been able to ______ remotely. Being able to ______ remotely, especially during COVID, helped students and companies continue to move forward, when attending in person is was not an option.


With the developments made during the Digital Revolution, people are able to learn and work from home.


What is it called when an organism is replicated, having the same DNA as the original organism? Bonus points if you can also name when the first organism went through this process)


The first animal was cloned in 1996 in Scotland. The first clone was of a sheep named Dolly. Cloning organisms such as animals can insure that the most healthy animals are being replicated to increase the life expectancy of animals and the quality of their products.


As of April 2023, which of these countries is not part of the EU?

Slovenia, Finland, Spain, UK, or Luxembourg


The UK left the EU on January 31, 2020


Which treaty/treaties allowed the UK to leave the EU?

Maastricht Treaty, Treaties of Rome, or Lisbon Treaty

The Maastricht Treaty established the EU and political union between member states. The Treaties of Rome established the EEC (European Economic Community) and Euratom (European Atomic Energy Community). Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty made it easy for the UK to revoke its membership in the EU.


Name two ways computers change from the early 20th century to the 21st century.

Examples: Computers became smaller/more convenient, became more efficient and faster, and became cheaper


The Digital Revolution accelerated the process of _____, otherwise known as the process of the world becoming interconnected through the sharing of ideas and culture. (this term starts with the letter G)



Donor Eggs, IVF, and Gestational Carriers, otherwise known as surrogacy, are all examples of what?

Fertility Treatments

Fertility Treatment has been developed over the last few decades to help women have kids that may be infertile or have trouble getting pregnant.


Name three benefits of EU member states.

common EU citizenship, economic growth & stability, growing market, free movement of goods, labor, capital, and services, uniform tax rates, and uniform product standards.


The UK had a majority vote on a referendum to leave the EU in 2016, why might the public opinion on Brexit change now?

Example: After COVID, the UK struggled to recover the economy while EU countries were able to bounce back relatively quickly.


What is it called when a country withholds/restricts information that the public can learn? 


Censorship can lead to misinformation as countries may alter knowledge to better fit their agendas. This can then lead to indoctrination.


The _____ is what keeps the world connected. It's used everyday by billions of people to buy goods, learn news, and connect with friends and people across the globe.


The internet was invented in 1983. This allowed people that lived on different sides of the earth to connect with one another and share there knowledge, experiences, and ideas.


These types of cells are able to develop themselves to become many different types of cells in your body and can be transplanted into the body to replace destroyed or damaged cells. This type of cell is usually transplanted into cancer patients that have destroyed cells due to chemotherapy.

Stem Cells