Amendments and Laws
Radicals & Reconstruction
Codes, Laws, and Plans
The End of an Era

I assassinated President Abraham Lincoln and was a spy for the Confederacy.

Who was John Wilkes Booth?


Abolish slavery and involuntary servitude except as a punishment for a crime after a conviction in court.

What is the 13th Amendment?



The only former confederate state that did NOT have to suffer through "Reconstruction".


A tax which was required to be paid in order to vote.  A voter must show receipt of the paid tax in order to vote. This law was to keep freedmen and poor whites from voting.  

What was the poll tax?


A "secret society" formed by Nathan Bedford Forrest in Pulaski, TN in 1865 by former confederate soldiers.  The members were mostly Southern whites that strongly disagreed with Reconstruction ideals and as a result "freedmen" and their white supporters were faced with intimidation and extreme violence.

What was the Ku Klux Clan?


I was Abraham Lincoln's running mate despite being a democrat and from the great state of Tennessee.  I was also the only senator who did not resign his position when the southern states seceded from the union.  Sadly, I became president after the assassination of President Lincoln.

Who was Andrew Johnson?


Granted the right of citizenship to any person born in the United States of America regardless of their situation.

What is the 14th Amendment?


5  zones which were controlled by the military and federal government to ensure that the states were creating new state governments, constitutions, and abiding by the 13th and 14th amendments.

What was the Military Reconstruction Plan of 1867?


A reading test which a voter must pass in order to exercise their right to vote, which was meant to keep freedmen, poor whites, and the uneducated from voting.

What was a literacy test?


In the Tennessee Constitution of 1870, in order to meet the federal requirements the 13th amendment was added, but there were also clauses added clauses that allowed for a poll tax and literacy test.  The 1870 TN constitution also restored voting rights to former confederates which weakened the power of the Radical Republicans.

What ended the reconstruction era for Tennessee?

The country was once again very politically divided. Northern Radicals were also even more determined to make the South pay for the war. The Radical Republicans were able to eventually gain power.

What were the repercussions of the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln?


A set of laws enacted to keep newly "freedmen" from having the same rights and opportunities as whites.

What were Black Codes


10 % of eligible voters of the election of 1850 must swear allegiance to the Union, and states must ratify the 13th Amendment.

What was Lincoln's 10% plan?


If your ancestor, such as your grandfather, had the right to vote BEFORE the election of 1867.

What was the "Grandfather Clause?"


A General in the Union Army who believed in the "Total War" strategy to defeat the South and later became President of the United States.

Who was Ulysses S. Grant?


He was a Democrat and Lincoln's Vice Presidential running mate in the election of 1864. After the untimely death of Lincoln, he became the president.

Who was Andrew Johnson?


Laws that did not violate the 14th and 15th amendments directly, but were meant to keep African-Americans separated from other Americans.  Example:  segregation

What were Jim Crowe laws?


The majority of voters of each of the former Confederate States take an oath of allegiance to the Union and ratifies the 13th Amendment.

What was Andrew Johnson's plan?


A law congress created to limit the power of President Andrew Johnson.  This law stated that the president could not remove officials, including cabinet members, without the approval of congress.

What is the "Tenure of Office Act"?


This president won the Presidential Election of 1876 due to a special Electoral Commission award.  He did not win the popular vote, but did win the Electoral College Vote.

Who was President Rutherford B. Hayes?


A group of republicans in the legislative branch that pushed for civil rights for former slaves. Their "radical" idea was to push for equality and equal protection for all citizens, including African Americans.

Who are the Radical Republicans?    


Any person who is a citizen has the right to life, liberty, and property as well as the right to vote regardless of their race or religion.  These rights shall not be denied.

What is the 15th amendment


The former Confederate States would have military governments installed which would guaranteed equality to freedmen, former confederate leaders would be denied the ability to hold political office ever again, 50% of eligible voters must swear allegiance to the Union, and the states must ratify the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments.

What was the Radical Republican's plan?


This agency was created to help the newly "freedmen" and poor whites of the south with food, clothing, shelter, finding jobs, and to form schools.  Many parents attended school right along with their children.

What was the Freedman's Bureau?


The removal of federal troops from Southern states, was one of the first official actions of President Rutherford B. Hayes after taking office in 1877.

When did reconstruction end?