The Industrial Revolution started in this country due to its many resources and stable economy.
What is England/Great Britain?
Germany was unified by this Prussian Prime Minister in 1871
Who is Otto von Bismarck?
Because of this shogunate, Japan was isolated from Europe and technologically behind in the 1800s
What is the Tokugawa Shogunate?
This man is considered the father of Communism.
Who is Karl Marx?
When Europeans colonized Africa and Asia, they were mostly looking for these
What are resources?
The Industrial Revolution led to England, Germany, and Japan strengthening both their economies and their _____.
What are militaries?
The emperor of the German empire
What is a kaiser?
The US threatened Japan with its navy and forced Japan to do this
What is trade?
According to Karl Marx, the government should control the economy and pay people based on their ____.
What are needs?
European powers met in this city to set rules for the colonization of Africa
What is Berlin?
The Industrial Revolution led to many jobs in these kinds of buildings.
What are factories?
Otto von Bismarck had this philosophy, which held that even betraying your allies and starting wars was okay if it led to the achievement of your goals
What is realpolitik?
Japan was forced to sign this treaty, where it agreed to open two ports to trade with the US
What is the Treaty of Kanagawa?
Karl Marx believed that workers would _______ factory owners and take control of the factories.
What is overthrow?
The idea that Europeans had a duty to colonize the world to spread civilization
What is the White Man's Burden?
What is nationalism?
This was the strongest German state because of its coal, railroads, and military.
What is Prussia?
In the Meiji Restoration, Japan became led by this kind of leader instead of a shogun
Adam Smith advocated for this form of an economy, where the economy is based on private ownership, competition, supply, and demand
What is capitalism?
In 1857, these Indian soldiers rebelled against the British East India Company for about a year.
Who are Sepoys?
Improvements in this increased the population, which increased demand for goods during the Industrial Revolution.
What is farming/agriculture?
(Crop rotation works too)
This was how many wars it took to unify Germany.
What is three?
Reforms during the Meiji Restoration led Japan to become an imperial power strong enough to beat this European nation at war
What is Russia?
Adam Smith believed that governments should have this policy and not mess with free market capitalism.
What is laissez faire?
In 1899, this group of Chinese peasants tried to remove British and American influence in China.
Who are the Boxers?