Scientific Method
Experimental Design
Scientists collect evidence by making a _______. a) opinions, b) hypotheses, c) inferences, or d) observations.
What is observations.
Juan wants to find out how long it takes his baby sister to fall asleep. Variables in his experiment might include: a) time of day, b) noise levels in the house, c) both a and b, or d) none of the above
What is both a and b.
The cause of Pellagra was _________.
What is vitamin and nutritional deficiency.
Testing medicines on people involves both risks and benefits. A risk that you accept in order to gain a benefit is known as: a) a consequence, b) a conclusion, c) evidence, or d) a trade-off
What is a trade-off.
Which of the following is NOT part of a well-designed experiment? a) a large sample size, b) multiple trials, c) an independent and a dependent variable, or d) a small sample size
What is a small sample size.
A scientist is interested in comparing the nervous systems of different types of dogs. What is the scientist most likely to do first? a) analyze data, b) develop a procedure, c) publish their findings, or d) make a conclusion
What is develop a procedure.
Marlena wonders which of her friends can run the fastest. She decides that a race, starting at the maple tree and ending at the oak tree, will answer her question. Which variable(s) will she keep constant? a) time, b) distance, c) both a & b, or d) none of the above
What is the distance.
What was the trade-off being offered to the prisoners who participated in Dr. Goldberger’s study? a)Prisoners participating in the study will be cured. b)Prisoners participating in the study will be freed. c)Prisoners participating in the study will be freed but may get pellagra. or d) Prisoners participating in the study will not get pellagra.
What is c) Prisoners participation in the study will be freed but my get pellagra.
Hypotheses need to be…. a) accurate b) based on previous research c) educated predictions or d) testable
What is testable.
After the scientist makes a hypothesis, they perform a(n) ___________ to collect data. a) procedure, b) inference, c) experiment, or d) interview
What is an experiment.
In the traditional Scientific Method model, you first state the problem and then propose a ________. a) guess, b) clarification, c) solution, or d) design
What is a solution.
The ____________variable is the part of the experiment that is affected by the independent variable. a) experimental, b) dependent, c) control, or d) none of the above
What is dependent variable.
When Dr. Goldberger was sent to study individuals in the insane asylum, he observed that the staff did not get pellagra while many of the individuals living there did. Which observation led him to create his hypothesis? a) The individuals living within the insane asylum lived in unclean living conditions. b) The individuals living within the insane asylum ate poor diets while the staff ate healthily c) The individuals living within the insane asylum all had insect bites. d)The individuals living within the insane asylum ate the same foods as the staff.
What is b) The individuals living within the insane asylum ate poor diets while the staff ate healthy.
Jesus doesn't like eating raw carrots. He decides to provide his parents with qualitative data to support his opinion. Which of the following data is NOT qualitative? a) carrots take a long time to peel, b) a raw carrot is hard to chew, c) carrots taste dry, or d) an uncut carrot is five centimeters (cm) too long to fit in his lunchbox
What is d) an uncut carrot is five centimeters (cm) too long to fit in his lunchbox.
The __________describes the steps you use during an experiment. a) evidence, b) data, c) independent variable, or d) procedure
What is the procedure.
After an experiment scientists write a ___________ which summarizes their experiment and results. a) conclusion, b) recommendation, c) graph, or d) hypothesis
What is conclusion.
How did Dr. Goldberger isolate controlled variables in order to truly test his hypothesis while studying the prisoners? (Name two actions taken to isolate these controlled variables.)
What is screens on the windows, scrubbed floors, and/or clean clothes.
Dr. Goldberger later went to an orphanage to test his hypothesis. What was his hypothesis? a) Their diets were poor and needed to improve. b) If the diets of the orphans was controlled then they could give pellagra to them. c) If the orphan’s diets were improved then the health of the orphans who had pellagra would improve and the orphans who did not have pellagra would not contract it. d) If the orphan’s with pellagra continued eating their normal diet then they would continue to have pellagra.
What is c) If the orphan's diets were improved then the health of the orphans who had pellagra would improve and the orphans who did not have pellagra would not contract it.
Ethics involves a) knowing what’s best, b) a cultures lawmaking process, c) questions of good and evil, right and wrong, or d) none of the above
What is questions of good and evil, right and wrong
Alex is thinking about using seawater to water her plants. She places 10 spider plants near a window for 20 days. Each day, she waters five plants with 10mL of seawater and five plants with 10mL of fresh water. She measures their heights before and after the 20 days. How could Alex have increased her sample size? a) by increasing the amount of salt in the water b) by increasing the number of days c) by increasing the number of plants in the study d) by increasing the amount of water
What is c) by increasing the number of plants in the study.
The steps in the traditional scientific method model are:
What is state the problem, propose a solution, conduct an experiment, analyze data, and make conclusions.
Name the independent and dependent variables of our Gummy Bear study? Identify 2 constant variables.
What is different liquids (independent variable), length in cm (dependent variable), same water/vinegar/salt/baking soda, same containers, same gummy bears.
When Dr. Goldberger conducted his experiment at the prison he had to contain and prevent errors based on several potential variables in order to truly test his hypothesis. What are these variables called? a) dependent variables, b) quantitative variables, c) independent variables, or d) constant variables
What is constant variables.
Which one of the following statements is NOT true about clinical trials a) Medicines approved for clinical trials are most often first tested on animals before people. b) Clinical trials use volunteers to study the effects of medicine before they are marketed to the public. c) Clinical trials contain an experimental group but no control group in order to test just the medicine and not controlled variables. d) Participants in clinical trials have the right to informed consent which states that they are to be made aware of any known potential side effects before participating in a study.
What is c) Clinical trials contain an experimental group but no control group in order to test just the medicine and not controlled variables.
You decide to conduct an experiment in order to determine if catching a ball with two hands is more accurate than catching with one hand but you are worried that your results are inconsistent. What might you do to address this concern? a) increase the number of trials b) measure in feet c) graph the results d) increase the range
What is a) increase the number of trials.