Unit Five
Unit Five
Unit Five
Unit Five
Unit Five

This is the most likely cause of the earthquakes

What is subduction of an oceanic plate beneath a continental plate?


The structures created at convergent boundaries under the ocean are different than the structures created at those boundaries on land. This statement describes this difference

What is: under the ocean a trench will form, and on a continent mountains will form?


Scientists have measured the rate of growth of the Atlantic Ocean basin to be about 2 to 3 cm per year. This type of activity coincides with the formation of ridges on the ocean floor. This is the MOST likely cause of this activity

What is movement of tectonic plates?


This activity would be the MAIN result of two tectonic plates slipping past one another

What is earthquakes?


This type of activity was created by this plate boundary

What is divergent boundary between two continental plates?


This type of rock is formed when limestone is subjected to heat and pressure

What is marble?


Near this geologic structure are the youngest rocks on Earth found

What is an active volcano? 


This plate movement would result in the formation of new crust

What is two oceanic plates pulling away from each other?


This volcano was caused by this activity

What is subduction at a convergent boundary?


These two mountains are 50km apart

What is Kilauea and Mauna Kea?


These layers have been undisturbed. This layer has the most crystalized minerals

What is Z?


Radioactive isotopes inside Earth are constantly decaying. This process results in

What is the generation of heat energy inside Earth?


These landforms are MOST likely associated with hot spots

What is volcanos? 


This will most likely occur before a volcanic eruption

What is an increase in earthquake activity?


This action MOST often causes sinkholes to form on the surface of Earth

What is removing groundwater?


This US feature was formed through through the geological process of continental accretion

What is the Aleutian Islands of Alaska?


This MOST likely caused this geologic feature

What is compressional forces?


This geological event would MOST likely occur along the type of boundary demonstrated

What is earthquakes?


When an igneous intrusion comes into contact with surrounding rock, the surrounding rock will

What is recrystalize? 


This is a likely reason for a sinkhole to form

What is the removal of underground resources?


This type of plate boundary is MOST responsible for the formation of the Himalayan Range

What is convergent boundary between two continental crusts?


This provides the BEST reason for the height increases of these Himalayan Mountains

What is a convergent boundary between the Eurasian Plate and Indo-Australian Plate?


This tectonic plate interactions is LEAST likely to produce volcanic activity

What is two converging continental plates?


A volcano found in the center of a tectonic plate tends to be a result of this phenomenon

What is activity at a hot spot?


This type of energy is primarily involved as acid rain weathers the limestone

What is chemical energy?