Main Characters
French Revolution
Congress of Vienna

A strong emotional connection from a person to their country.



King of France who angered the French people due to his ineffectual leading and poor relationship with his wife, Marie.

Louis XVI


What were the problems with the French monarchy?

Louis XIV left France with enormous debt and enlarged territories. When his grandson was old enough to rule he was weak and lazy. When they lost the seven-year war there were terrible taxes, large public deaths, hungry people, and ignorance toward the struggles of the people.


Napoleon caused a rise of mostly what -ism within Europe?



Who was the Congress led by?

Prince Metternich


A very violent period of the French Revolution, where a series of massacres and numerous public executions took place.

Reign Of Terror


Leader of the Jacobins



What was the Tennis Court Oath?

Peasants congregated at a tennis court to make their assembly called the National Assembly. They swore an oath that they weren’t leaving until a new constitution was made. This oath was then named the Tennis Court Oath. 


What’s one way Napoleon was viewed as a conqueror?

Nearly unbeatable general, had a strong army, conquered a lot of territory, made many allies, and cut off European trade with Britain. 


Why was the Congress of Vienna formed?

To maintain the involved countries old systems of power and to eliminate the Napoleonic Codes' impact on Europe. 


What caused the uprise known as the Haitian Revolution?

When the Haitians experienced liberty after following the ideas of the French Revolution they knew how much greater freedom was than slavery. This gave them motivation to live their lives freely even if it meant death. After seeing how the French were standing up it made them question why they wouldn’t work the same and caused the overall fight for their freedom. 


Unreliable king of France who left the country with enlarged territories, enormous debt, and an unhappy populace.

Louis XIV


What were the three estates during the revolution made up of?

Clergy, Nobility, and Peasantry.


What island was he originally exiled to?

The island of Elba.


What did the countries involved agree to? 

All continental kings would aid each other in the case of a revolution. 


One of the most known political clubs formed by the deputies of the third estate. They advocated for a republic as opposed to the traditional monarchy.



Irish statesman who supported the American Revolution, but not the French Revolution. Served in the House of Commons and is known as the father modern conservatism. Fought for the development of society instead of the ownership of property.

Edmund Burke


What was Bastille Day?

Rebels stormed the French prison for gunpowder after hearing the king claimed to disband the national assembly. They killed the governor and destroyed the prison brick by brick. 


How did Napoleon come to power? 

He joined the French army and he and other conspirators participated in a coup to overthrow the Directory. He was then named the first consul for life. 


What year did the Congress of Vienna take place?



Declared only English ships would be allowed to bring goods into England, and North American colonies could only export its commodities such as tobacco/sugar to England.

Navigation Acts


 A French political activist. Is best known for the Declaration of the Rights of Woman and of the Female Citizen and other writings on women's rights and abolitionism.

Olympe de Gouges


What were the September Massacres?

In 1791, riots break out and rebels kill the king’s supporters.


What three countries led to the downfall of Napoleon?

Spain, Russia, and the German States.


What was the “Age of Metternich”?

The cooperation of European states to stop the frequent revolution following the Congress of Vienna.