A person who manages, especially business or public affairs.
the governmental office that administers trade and collects taxes on imports and exports
industrial capitalism
an economic system that combines capitalism with intense manufacturing production in factories, characterized by
division of labor to increase efficiency
an uprising or armed resistance against established authority or a government
a political unit that is controlled by another government that it depends on for protection
the refusal to purchase certain types of goods, refusal to engage in commercial relations with a particular entity
dual consciousness
the state of feeling as though you have two identities housed in one person or mind
the process or act of updating or redesigning something to make it look new or contemporary
the act or process of making amends for wrongdoing or injury; payment required of a defeated nation by the victors, for
damages, alleged atrocities, or other injury
to send goods or services from one country to be sold in another country
an organized group of hired officials, especially governmental
making unfair use of a situation for profit or benefit
nonviolent noncooperation
a form of resistance that refuses to comply with particular orders and laws but does not resort to the use of violence
the act of refusing to comply with something; the act of acting to prevent or counter something
Gunboat Diplomacy
diplomacy backed by the use or threats of military forces
the practice of a foreign government exercising political or economic control of another community
Formal Colonialism
direct colonial control of a community by a foreign empire
a financial gain
to damage something with the intent (often political) of causing harm to processes or structures
a person who owes allegiance to a monarch or to a state; adj: under the power, authority, or influence of someone
or something; verb: to bring under one’s power, authority, or influence
Color Line
the role race and racism had in American society after the abolition of slavery
the policy of extending the rule or authority of one nation over others by territorial acquisition or through economic or
political dominance
the theory or opinion that a certain race or races of people, usually one’s own, are superior to others because of certain
inborn characteristics and any policy or practice based on said belief
an act of segregating (separating), or the condition of being segregated, especially as a policy imposing social separation
according to racial or ethnic groups
the oppressive or abusive exercise of power, of the government or authority that uses power in this way; unnecessary
harshness; cruelty