Bioenergetics pt 1
Bioenergetics pt 2
Ch 4
Ch 2 / Ch 3

What are the stimulators of phosphorylase?

Ca2+, EPI


What is the inhibitor of cytochrome c oxidase?



What are the ketogenic and branched-chain amino acids?

Ketogenic - leucine, lysine, tryptophan, alanine, and tyrosine

BCAA- Leucine, isoleucine, valine


What conditions are needed / do not allow us to obtain steady state?

What does it take to not get us to get into steady state?

Too humid, too hot, exercise maximally


Cool/ dry environment


Explain the differences between homeostasis, dynamic constancy, and steady state

Homeostasis - relatively constant & normal internal environment during resting condtions 

Dynamic constancy – a physiological variable that fluctuates between highs and lows but maintains a relatively constant mean (trend) – exercise and rest

ex: Fluctuations of SBP /DBP 

Steady-state – physiological variable remaining relatively constant despite exercise

the physiological variable is constant and unchanging.


What are the stimulators of PFK-1?



What are the simulators of ICDH? 

Ca2+, ADP, NAD+


Which of the following best describes substrate/fuel utilization in the transition from moderate-intensity to high-intensity exercise?

  • there is a relative decrease in the utilization of fat for fuel
  • there is a relative increase in the utilization of CHO for fuel
  • there is an absolute increase in total substrate utilization
  • a and b only

All the above


What is oxygen deficit? What causes this? 

  • ADP produced by oxygen uptake and total ATP –
  • Uptake is oxygen kinetics – happens quicker in trained individuals because oxygen kinetics are faster, greater mitochondria – faster O2 uptake, faster kinetics – slide 3
  • Note: Inhibition of CK – speeds up O2 uptake kinetics (decreases oxygen deficit)

What are examples of a high gain and low gain control system? 

High Gain - 

High gain – greater control over maintaining homeostasis / HIGH ABILITY TO DETECT DEVIATION

Examples: temperature / pH – it takes a lot to change temperature / pH – deviate a little bit but not much

Low Gain - HR/BP 


Explain the two mechanisms that allow glycolysis to continue. Be sure to discuss the limited pool of NAD+ in the cytosol, the enzyme that catalyzes the reaction reducing pyruvate to lactate, and the enzyme that catalyzes the reaction oxidizing glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G-3-P) to 1,3 Bisphosphoglycerate (1,3 BPG).

1. malate aspartate shuttle – MDH oxidizes OAA to malate and in the process of oxidizing NADH to NAD+

2. Oxidizing pyruvate to lactate, in the process of oxidizing NADH to NAD+ to be recycled back into the cytosol


What are the stimulators of HSL?


cAMP stimulators: glucagon, growth hormone


Explain the fast and slow components of EPOC

Fast component  (2-3 minutes post-exercise)– 1. Replenish ATP stores, 2. Replenish phosphocreatine stores (3ish minutes), 3. Reoxygenate hemoglobin 4. re-oxygenate myoglobin

Slow component (greater than 3 minutes) –1.  increased HR (need to come down), 2. increased BP 3. increased body temp 4. circulating EPI/NEPI (catecholamines – technically dopamine too) 5. lactate oxidation (slow twitch muscle and heart love lactate) back to pyruvate 6. glycogen resynthesis  7. Ion imbalance (Na+/K+/ Ca2+) ca/ATPase – get back to resting membrane potential -70mV, decreases vo2 8. muscle tissue repair 9. increased respiratory rate 10. cori cycle

*EPOC tells us when our body is at rest 


In your own words explain what the training effect is and its relation to O2 kinetics in trained and untrained mitochondria

  • Chronic adaptations to training may occur in the cardiovascular, respiratory and muscular systems. The result of these physiological adaptations is an improvement in performance
  • The training effect is the adaptation to exercise such that new values for homeostasis are established and it is easier for the body to reach steady state during exercise.

What are the differences between adaptation, acclimation, and acclimatization?

Adaptation refers to a change in the structure and function of a cells, tissues, organs or an organ system that results in an improved ability to maintain homeostasis as well as attain steady state

Acclimatization - adaptation to external, natural (temp, altitude) – improve plasma volume inn heat/humid

Cold – don’t typically adapt bc of clothing – BUT  we can adapt to sleep in cold via brown fat

Acclimation – adaptation to external laboratory-induced – chamber adjust temp, humidity, altitude


How many NADH and FADH are produced in glycolysis, glycogenolysis, pyruvate to acetyl-CoA, the Krebs cycle, and beta-oxidation?

Glycolysis – 2 NADH – G3-3-PDH; No FADH

Glycogenolysis- 2 NADH – G3-3-PDH; No FADH

Pyruvate to acetyl-CoA – 2 NADH

Krebs – 3 NADH, 1 FADH


Isocitrate DH

Alpha-keto DH

Malate DH

FADH: succinate DH

Beta-oxidation – 1 NADH, 1 FADH


How many ATP are consumed and produced in glycolysis, glycogenolysis, and the Krebs cycle via substrate phosphorylation?

1 consumed hexokinase and 1 PFK – glycolysis

Produce 2- phosphoglycerate kinase

2 pyruvate kinase

Glycolygenolis – 1 consumed at PFK

Produce 2- phosphoglycerate kinase

2 pyruvate kinase

Krebs – don’t consume any

1 ATP - succinyl CoA synthetase

Started with glucose or glycogen – 2 ATP


Explain why an endurance exercise-trained individual will have a smaller oxygen deficit at the onset of exercise than an untrained individual

Trained individuals  have a greater mitochondrial density and more efficient oxidative enzymes

How does this translate to a smaller O2 deficit?

  • It Takes less accumulation ADP/Pi to stimulate oxygen uptake, so less O2 deficit

Explain how an endurance athlete can help prevent himself of herself from ‘hitting the wall’ during a long race such as a marathon. In your answer explain what causes a person to ‘hit the wall’ and also explain why ‘fats burn in the flames of carboydrates’. (10 points

An endurance athlete will ‘hit the wall’ when he or she depletes their glycogen stores. Once an athlete hits the wall, he or she can no longer maintain exercise intensity. This occurs because ‘fats burn in the flames of carbohydrates’. The term ‘fats burn in the flames of carbohydrates’ refers to the requirement of carbohydrate metabolism to provide Krebs cycle intermediates which prime the Krebs cycle, allowing for ATP from fat to be produced more efficiently.


Explain how lactate production occurs and why it is a good thing.

Overproduction of NADH causes an increase in lactate

•need to oxidize NADH (by oxidizing pyruvate to lactate) to NAD+

NAD+ can be recycled back through G-3-PDH to allow glycolysis to continue & to synthesize ATP between 10 sec-2 min of exercise or until AEROBIC metabolism can kick in


How many ATP are produced when glycogen goes through glycogenolysis? Must show the total calculation



How many ATP are produced from a 12-C molecule?

Rounds: n/2-1

12/2-1 = 5 rounds

5 * (1 NADH) * (2.5ATP/NADH) = 12.5

5 * (1 FADH) * (1.5 ATP/NADH) = 7.5

Acetyl coA = n/2

12/ 2 = 6 acetyl CoA

6 acetyl coA * (3 NADH/ acetyl coA) * (2.5 ATP/NADH) = 45

6 acetyl coA * (1 FADH/acetyl coA) * (1.5 ATP/ FADH) = 9 ATP

6 acetyl CoA * (1 GTP/acetyl CoA) * (1 ATP/GTP) = 6 ATP

12.5+7.5+45+9+6 -2(activation of acyl CoA) = 78 ATP/ 12-C molecule

  • Kimberly is a trained marathon cyclist who is preparing for a 4+ hour mountain bike race. Sarah trains with her but often struggles in the first 15 minutes of a >80% VO2max interval day, compared to Kimberly.

Explain the differences in their oxygen kinetics at the start of exercise and post-exercise. Please be sure to include the components of their recovery

Kimberly has an increase in mitochondrial capacity, enzymes, and greater ADP sensitivity to activate cytochrome c oxidase, less O2 deficit

Kimberly has a greater number of glycolytic, and oxidative enzymes, an adaptive ability to recover

The higher the intensity, the greater the O2 deficit – the more we have to rely on immediate energy system/ glycolysis


How ATP supply and demand change at the onset of exercise? How does the deficit occur?

At the onset of exercise, ATP demand and ATP supply increase in a square-wave fashion – steady frequency between time/ ATP use


O2 deficit = difference between ATP supply in a square wave fashion and ATP from VO2 which occurs in a mono-exponential fashion

*ATP supply from the Oxidative system (VO2) increases in a mono-exponential fashion


Explain the Chemiosmotic hypothesis and how many protons are pumped at each complex and whether NADH or FADH is involved

NADH + H+ transfers its electrons through complex I & III , pumps 4 H+

NADH - 2H+ from complex IV

UBIQUINONE – carries electrons to complex III (4+H+), 0 H+ ARE pumped at complex II

Complex II – succinate to fumarate  – succinate dehydrogenase – 2 H+, electrons are MOVED to complex III

FAHD2 – complex III (4H+), and IV (2H+)

Cytochrome c oxidase carries electrons from III to IV

Complex V – ATP synthase – the protons are pumped back into the inner membrane space, the generating power to ATP synthase