Puritan Literature and Themes
Puritan Writers
Puritan Learning

The handwritten history of the 1st 30 years of Plymouth Colony.

What is William Bradford's journal or "Of Plymouth Plantation".


The first American/American woman to publish a book of poems, she expressed the temporal and spiritual concerns of the Puritan woman and her family.

Who is Anne Bradstreet


This indigenous person interpreted for Puritans, guided them, and taught them how to set their corn.

Who was Squanto.


Scholars see a link between Capitalism and this religious doctrine that stresses individualism, hard work, and an intense striving for success.

What is Calvinism.


This happened in Cape Harbor Bay (today known as Plymouth, Massachusetts) in 1620.

What is The Pilgrams (Mayflower) landed.


This theme of puritan literature taught that failing it led to eternal damnation hellfire while success led to eternal heavenly bliss.

What is "Life is a test"

Scholars see a link between Calvinism and this economic system where development occurs through the reinvestment of profits.

What is Capitalism


Wrote a history of the Settlement at Jamestown where he was a swashbuckling hero rescued by Pocahontas.

Who is Capt. John Smith


This book was the soul expression of God's will.

What is the Bible.


In 1620 this becomes the first book that is printed in the colonies.

What is the Bay Psalm Book.

One theme described this world as an arena of constant battle between these beings.

Who are God and Satan.


In his search to be made worthy of heaven, this minister wrote profound metaphysical poetry that was not discovered until 1930.

Who is Edward Taylor


Wanted to create a "City on a Hill". His Massachusetts Bay Colony eventually swallowed up Plymouth Colony.

John Winthrop


Puritans founded this place in 1636 to ensure a well-educated ministry.

What is Harvard.


When Jesus would return to
Earth, end human misery, and inaugurate 1,000 years of peace and prosperity.

What is the millenium.


This book combined moralistic teaching with lessons in reading such as "in Adams fall we sinned all".

What is The New England Primer.


Rev. Michael Wigglesworth wrote this long, doggerel, and didactic piece of poetry that became "frighteningly" popular throughout New England .

What is "Day of Doom" or  "A Poetical Description of the Great and Last Judgement."


The 2nd governor of Plymouth Colony and an important historian.

Who is William Bradford.


Puritans believed that all good writing did this.

what is "brought home a full awareness of the importance of worship and of the spiritual dangers that the soul faced on Earth."


Many passengers died of this disease, a vitamin C deficiency, during the first winter.

What is scurvy.


With his 1702 publication of Ecclesiastical History of New England he helps to establish a narrative of a holy Puritan errand into the wilderness to establish God s kingdom.

Who is Cotton Mather


In his swashbuckling narrative regarding the settlement of Jamestown, he is the hero who thwarts disaster and is, at one point, rescued by Pocahontas.

Captain John Smith


This Cambridge graduate held ideas that were ahead of his time.He was an early critic of imperialism, insisting that European kings had no right to grant land charters because American land belonged to the Indians. His views on religion caused his banishment from Massachusetts during a harsh winter.

Who is Roger Williams


Between 1630 and 1690, there were as many of these in New England as in the mother country.

What is university graduates.


In 1720, this backlash occurred after many Puritans began to fall away from the church.

What is "The Great Awakening"