Under the Articles, each state got one vote, also known as this type of representation.
What is equal representation?
Prior to the French Indian War, this country controlled the Northwest Territory.
Washington warned against "factions" which he believed would cause people to be loyal to their group as opposed to their country. Today these "factions" are known as these.
Political Parties.
This proposal suggested that the Legislative branch have an upper house and a lower house, and that states should get proportional representation.
Virginia Plan
Marbury v. Madison established this power for the Supreme Court of the United States.
Judicial Review
Under the Articles, this many states had to agree in order to change (amend) it.
What is ALL or (13) states?
The three main states that claimed the Northwest Territory were New York, Virginia, and this state.
Washington argued for the importance of this, when he asked regions to put differences aside for the good of the nation.
The Connecticut Plan combined the Virginia and New Jersey plans by having a Senate with equal representation and a House of Representatives with proportional representation. It was also known as The Great this.
The Great Compromise.
The Alien Acts showed legislative power by changing the requirement for this from 5-14 years.
This was the only branch of government that existed under the Articles.
What is the Legislative Branch?
The 1785 Ordinance helped with the establishment of these.
U.S. involvement in The War of 1812 went directly against Washington's warning about involvement in these.
Foreign Entanglements
This argued that each slave would be counted as a fraction of a person and added as part of the Southern's states population.
3/5 Compromise
In the election of 1800 this part of the Legislative Branch broke the tie to make Thomas Jefferson the third President of the United States.
The House of Representatives
To pass a law under the Articles, a supermajority was needed. A supermajority was this many out of the 13 states.
9 out of 13.
The 1787 Ordinance outlawed this except in the case of punishment for crime following conviction.
Washington in efforts to show he was not like a King, set precedent or silent law by doing this, something all Presidents followed until FDR, before it became law.
Stepped down after serving 2 terms.
This branch can check the President by rejecting treaties.
The Legislative Branch
The Sedition Acts were passed under this President.
John Adams
Under the Articles, taxes were an issue because they could not require states to do this...
Pay Money.
When a population reached this number, they could apply for statehood.
James Madison and this other famous Federalist essayist provided input for Washington's Farewell Address before its publication in newspapers.
Alexander Hamilton
Article II of the Constitution outlines this branch and its responsibilities.
The Executive Branch
One of Jefferson's contributions as President was the expansion of U.S. territory. The expansion that included land West of the Mississippi River is known as this.
The Louisiana Purchase.