Harlem Renaissance
Foreign Affairs
Minority Report

He wrote "The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain."

Who is Langston Hughes?


People who illegally made alcohol during prohibition were called this.

What are bootleggers?


The pervasive fear of Communism was dubbed this. (The ______ scare)

What is the Red Scare?


The number of labor union members did this in the 1920s.

What is decline?


In order for our allies to make good on their debt to the U.S., the Dawes Plan arranged private loans to this country.

What is Germany?


This amendment, enacted in the same year as the amendment beginning Prohibition, granted suffrage to (most) women?

What is the 19th Amendment?


The cause for the increase of African American residents in northern cities. (2 words)

What is the Great Migration?


This amendment made it illegal to make, sell, own, transport, or consume alcohol. Bonus: it went into effect in this year.

What is the 18th Amendment? Bonus: 1920 (ratified in 1919).


He was the American President during the Teapot Dome scandal.

Who is Warren G. Harding?


He was responsible for the implementation of the assembly line in factory production.

Who is Henry Ford?


He was the Nicaraguan leader who fought against the U.S. Marines who invaded his country.

Who is Cesar Augusto Sandino?


Immigration quotas throughout the 1920s favored immigrants from these parts of the world.

What are Western and Northern Europe (ex. GB, Germany, Ireland, Scandinavian countries)


He was arguably the most famous jazz musician of the 1920s.

Who is Louis Armstrong?


This famous Chicago gangster made millions during prohibitions, but went to jail for tax evasion.

Who is Al Capone?


This wealthy banker from Pittsburgh was the secretary of the treasury throughout the 1920s.

Who is Andrew Mellon?


This method of increasing production included hiring an efficiency expert.

What is scientific management?


This was an international agreement aimed at avoiding offensive acts of war.

What is the Kellogg-Briand pact?


In the 1920s, the KKK reemerged, attacking Mexican-Americans, Japanese-Americans, and many other groups of more recent immigrants to the US. This anti-immigration strand of xenophobia is known as...



He advocated a “back to Africa” movement.

Who is Marcus Garvey?


These were the underground bars that sprung up everywhere during prohibition.

What are speakeasies?


These two men were probably executed for a crime they didn’t commit.

Who are Sacco and Vanzetti?


These are 3 examples of white-collar careers women commonly had in the 1920s.

What is secretary, telephone operator, typist, shop clerk, cashier, etc.

Not allowed: managerial or company officer (CEO, CFO, etc.) positions


The purpose of the Washington Conference was to limit these.

What are battleships (specifically because of fears about control of the Pacific Ocean)?


The first use of federal funds for welfare purposes was meant to help educate women on prenatal care and child-rearing, and provided some money for infant health and other supports. The law that made this happen was called this.

What is the Sheppard-Towner (Maternity) Act?


She is the most famous female member of the Harlem Renaissance, known especially for her work as a folklorist and her novel, "Their Eyes Were Watching God."

Who is Zora Neale Hurston?


This amendment to the constitution ended Prohibition. Bonus: this amendment went into effect in this year.

What is the 21st Amendment? Bonus: 1933


This man was re-elected as President in 1928, largely because of how much the economy was booming. (Fairly or unfairly, we'll see next unit), he was blamed for much of the Great Depression that would begin in 1929.

Who is Herbert Hoover?


These are the two basic ways in which employers tried to convince their employees not to join labor unions in the 1920s (one involves the "nice/good" ways employers did this and the other involves the "mean/bad" ways employers did this).

What are welfare capitalism and the American Plan?


Many members of the Lost Generation were so disgusted by this aspect of American culture in the 1920s that they emigrated to Paris, France and wrote numerous works criticizing it.

What is materialism?


This man's trial brought attention to the scientific theory of evolution, to fundamentalist Christianity, and to the roles of those two strains of thought in education and law in the United States.

Who is John Scopes?