7a Construct explanations for energy transformations within a system
7c. Plan and carry out investigations to describe how molecular motion relates to thermal energy changes
7d. Construct an explanation for how energy is transferred between particles in each type of energy transfer
7e. Analyze and interpret the concept of specific heat data
7d. Construct an explanation for how energy is transferred between particles in each type of energy transfer

What is potential energy?

 Potential energy is the energy stored in an object due to its position or state.


What is conduction?

Conduction is the transfer of heat through direct contact between molecules, where heat flows from the hotter object to the cooler one.


What is transferred during conduction?

Heat energy is transferred through direct contact.


What is specific heat?

Specific heat is the amount of heat required to change the temperature of a unit mass of a substance by one degree Celsius.


How do particles transfer energy?

Particles transfer energy through collisions and interactions, transferring kinetic energy from one particle to another.


Name one example of thermal energy.

Thermal energy is the energy that comes from the heat generated by the movement of particles within an object. 

An example is the heat from a hot stove.


Explain convection using a real-world example.

Convection is the transfer of heat through fluid movement. An example is boiling water, where hot water rises and cooler water descends in a circular motion.


How is energy transferred during convection?

Energy is transferred through the movement of fluids (liquids or gases).


How does water’s specific heat affect cooking?

Water’s high specific heat allows it to absorb and retain heat, helping to cook food evenly.


What happens to particles when they heat up?

 When particles heat up, they gain kinetic energy and move more rapidly, causing them to spread apart.


Describe an example of kinetic energy.

Kinetic energy is the energy of motion. 

An example is a moving car.  


What happens during radiation?

During radiation, energy is transferred through electromagnetic waves, such as sunlight reaching Earth, without requiring a medium.


Describe energy transfer in radiation.

Energy is transferred through electromagnetic waves without needing a medium.


Why does metal heat faster?

Metals have a low specific heat, so they require less energy to increase in temperature.


Describe energy transfer in a boiling pot.

In a boiling pot, energy is transferred through convection. Heat from the stove heats the bottom of the pot, causing water molecules to move faster and rise, while cooler water descends, creating a circulation.


What type of energy does a battery provide?

A battery provides electrical energy.


How can you demonstrate conduction at home?

You can demonstrate conduction by placing a metal spoon in a cup of hot coffee; the handle will gradually get warm.


How does energy transfer in a chemical reaction?

Energy is transferred when chemical bonds are broken and formed.


How does specific heat relate to climate?

Areas near large bodies of water have milder climates due to water’s high specific heat.


How does a thermometer measure temperature?

A thermometer measures temperature by detecting the expansion or contraction of a liquid (like mercury or alcohol) inside it, which changes in response to temperature changes.


How do light and sound energy differ?

Light energy is electromagnetic and can travel through a vacuum, while sound energy is mechanical and requires a medium to travel.


How does temperature affect molecular motion?

As temperature increases, molecular motion becomes more vigorous, causing particles to move faster. Conversely, a decrease in temperature slows down molecular motion.


Identify energy transfer in mechanical systems.

Energy is transferred through forces acting on objects, causing motion.


Explain how temperature affects specific heat.

Lower temperatures may reduce the energy required to change a substance’s temperature, affecting its specific heat.


How does molecular motion relate to heat transfer?

Molecular motion is fundamental to heat transfer; as molecules move and collide, they transfer kinetic energy, which is perceived as heat.