Paleo/Neo Differences
Improved Technologies
Agricultural Revolution
Hammurabi's Law Code
Random Questions
Paleolithic literally means
Old Stone Age
What role did river-valleys play in the development of civilizations?
Fertile Soil led to the development of increased crop production.
What is agriculture?
The systematic planting and cultivating of crops for human consumption.
What is the intent of the law? If a man bring an accusation against a man, and charge him with a capital crime, but cannot prove it, he, the accuser, shall be put to death.
Don't lie about what others have done. Make sure you have proof before you accuse.
What is archaeology?
The study of human history and prehistory through the excavation of sites and the analysis of artifacts and other physical remains.
Neolithic literally means
New Stone Age
What is Cuneiform?
The first system of writing developed by Mesopotamia.
What is domestication?
Harnessing crops and animals for human use.
What is the intent of the law: If a man owe a debt and Adad inundate his field and carry away the produce, or, through lack of water, grain have not grown in the field, in that year he shall not make any return of grain to the creditor, he shall alter his contract-tablet and he shall not pay the interest for that entire year.
You will not be held responsible for natural events beyond your control.
How do archaeologists use artifacts?
Artifacts are used to make inferences leading to theories about how humans lived in the past.
What major event distinguished the Paleolithic and Neolithic Eras?
The Farming/Agricultural Revolution
What is a pictograph?
Pictures used by the priests of Mesopotamia to record the transfer of grain.
What is irrigation?
The process of bringing water to fields to grow crops.
What is the intent of the law? 53 If a man neglect to strengthen his dike and do not strengthen it, and a break be made in his dike and the water carry away the farm-land, the man in whose dike the break has been made shall restore the grain which he has damaged. 54 If he be not able to restore the grain, they shall sell him and his goods, and the farmers whose grain the water has carried away shall share the results of the sale.
Don't be lazy, if you are you will be held responsible.
What is the Epic of Gilgamesh?
A long poem about the adventures of a Sumerian adventurer who also was a king of Uruk.
The people in the Paleolithic Era used this material to develop tools.
How did the first writing system mark the line between pre-history and history?
Writing began the written records we use to interpret human history.
How did the agricultural revolution lead to the division of labor and job specialization?
Predictable crop surplus made it necessary and possible for people to do jobs other than farming.
What is the intent of the law? If a physician operate on a man for a severe wound with a bronze lancet [surgical knife] and cause the man’s death; or open an abscess (in the eye) of a man with a bronze lancet and destroy the man’s eye, they shall cut off his fingers.
Learn your trade and do it well.
What was the social structure of Mesopotamia?
Kings, Priests, Artisans/Merchants/Government Workers, Farmers, Slaves
Describe three lifestyle differences between the Paleolithic and Neolithic Eras
Answers will vary
How does a city-state differ from a state in the US?
A city-state is an independent state including a city and its surrounding territories. A US state is not independent.
What are the eight characteristics of civilization? How did civilization develop out of the agricultural revolution? (WORTH DOUBLE POINTS)
Religion, Job Specialization, Cities, Government, Art/Architecture, Public Works, Writing, Social Structure
Why were the punishments of Hammurabi's law code so harsh?
To control/influence the behavior of its citizens.
How did the king gain power?
They claimed that the gods had given them power. Power then passed down through family lines.