What is the use of descriptive language to paint a picture?
The difference between the house on Mango Street and the other homes Esperanza’s family lived in.
What is her family owned this house?
A statement that best expresses a central idea of "Little Things Are Big."
What is "do not lose sight of your values in an uncertain situation, even when you're afraid of the outcome"?
What “home” means to the speaker of the poem.
What are the people you love and the moments you share with them?
Sandra Cisneros' view of the treatment of women in Latino cultures.
What is unfair, unequal, and sometimes violent treatment?
What is a comparison using "like" or "as"?
The style in which Sandra Cisneros wrote the chapters of The House On Mango Street.
What is a vignette?
How Jesus Colon helps the reader make connections between the speaker and the woman on the train.
What is Jesus Colon providing the speaker's thoughts and reflections?
The tone of “Home” and how it contributes to the themes of the poem.
What is a sentimental and reflective tone that encourages readers to reflect on and appreciate their own version of "home"?
How identity is used as a theme in “Little Things Are Big."
What is the way identity affects people's worldviews, behavior, and the way others see them?
What is a short scene that focuses on one moment or gives insight into a character, idea, or setting?
The objects in the neighborhood with which Esperanza says she identifies.
How the phrase "like a rude animal walking on two legs" impacts meaning and tone.
What is conveying a shameful, guilty tone and connecting to the author's purpose?
Something home is not.
What is a place gold can buy?
The themes associated with what happens to Geraldo in The House On Mango Street.
What is the harm that implicit biases can cause?
What is writing that is not poetry?
The way Esperanza describe clouds and skeletons to her friends.
What is in a scientific manner?
What the phrase "I failed myself…" emphasizes about the speaker.
What is regretting the temporary loss of his polite and thoughtful nature?
Something the speaker of poem hoards.
What are his children's things?
The themes shared between “Little Things Are Big” and The House On Mango Street.
What is the complexity of identity and the harm caused by implicit biases?
Implicit bias.
What is a bias that includes the subconscious feelings, attitudes, prejudices, and stereotypes an individual has developed due to prior influences and imprints throughout their lives.
What is a window?
The implicit biases Colón showcases in "Little Things Are Big."
What are the assumptions Colón makes about the woman on the subway?
What are the prejudices others have of Colón?
How the use of dialect in the poem contributes to the poem’s messages.
What is relating one's own, unique way of speaking to his own, unique version of home?
How the themes of “Home” compare and contrast to The House On Mango Street and “Little Things Are Big."
What is focusing on the importance of identity and home while not discussing marginalized identities and implicit biases?