What is Health?
Identifying Health Risks
Taking Responsibility for Your Health
Being a Wise Consumer
Health Skills

What are the two factors that are used to evaluate health? 

1) Life expectancy 

2) Quality of life 


What is the definition of health? 

Health is the state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. 


In order to improve our own health, what must we focus on? (one word)


In order to make healthy consumer choices, what are the three things we must evaluate? 

1) Products 

2) Services 

3) Information 


What skill are you using when making appropriate choices for your health? 



What is the definition of life expectancy? 

The number of years a person can expect to live. 


What is the definition of wellness? 

Wellness is defined as the active pursuit of activities, choices, and lifestyles that lead to a state of holistic (whole) health. 


What is the definition of prevention? 

Prevention is taking action to avoid disease, injury, and other negative health outcomes. 


What are four factors to consider before buying a product? 

1) Safety 

2) Cost 

3) Warranty 

4) Consumer Testing 


What skill are you using that involves using communication to influence and support others in making positive health decisions? 



Why do you think there was such an increase in life expectancy over the years? 

Better healthcare, nutrition, sanitation, and working conditions. 


List two possible influences on health and wellness. 

Possible influences: 

Heredity, gender, environment, culture, media, technology, healthcare, habits, substance abuse, physical activity


List three actions of behaviors we can implement into our lives to prevent an unhealthy lifestyle. 

1) Eat healthy

2) Stay active

3) Learn to implement the seven skills to building a healthy lifestyle into your daily routine 


Who is the group that is responsible for the oversight of more than $2.8 trillion in consumption of food, medical, and tobacco products? 

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 

What skill are you using when recognizing the influence culture, media, and friends have on your health? 

Analyzing Influences 


What is the definition of quality of life? 

The degree of overall satisfaction that a person gets from life. 


What is the definition of a risk factor, then give three ways to evaluate a risk factor. 

A risk factor is any action or condition that increases the likelihood of injury, disease, or other negative outcomes. 

Three ways to evaluate a risk factor: 

1) Consider both short and long term consequences 

2) Decide whether you can control the risk factor 

3) Analyze the possible benefits and risks of a decision 


What are the three steps you can take to meet your personal health goals? 

1) Gain awareness

2) Gain knowledge 

3) Build health skills 


What is one question you might ask yourself when evaluating a service? 

Questions you should ask yourself: 

1) What kind of education and experience does the person have? 

2) Does the person have references?

3) Have any complaints been filed about the service? 


What skill are you using when you find reliable sources, products, and services to evaluate your health? 

Accessing Information 


What are the three aspects of of health? Explain each one. 

1) Physical Health  

-Refers to how well your body functions 

-When you are physically healthy, you are able to carry out everyday tasks without becoming overly tired 

2) Mental/Emotional Health 

-The state of being comfortable with yourself, with others, and with your surroundings is called mental health (when you are mentally healthy, your mind is alert, you can learn from your mistakes, and you recognize your achievements) 

-Emotional health refers to how you react to events in your life (to maintain your emotional health, you need to take the time to relax, and you need to share your feelings with others) 

3) Social Health 

-Refers to how well you get along with others 

-When you are socially healthy, you have loving relationships, respect the rights of others, and give and accept help 


State and describe the SIX dimensions of wellness. 

1) Physical: A healthy body through exercise, nutrition, sleep, etc. 

2) Mental: Engagement with the world through learning, problem-solving, creativity, etc. 

3) Emotional: Being in touch with, aware of, accepting of, and able to express one's feelings (and those of others) 

4) Spiritual: Our search for meaning and purpose in human existence 

5) Social: Connecting with, interacting with, and contributing to other people and our communities 

6) Environmental: A healthy physical environment free of hazards; aware of the role we play in bettering rather than denigrating the natural environment 


What are the SEVEN skills to building a healthy life? 

1) Analyze Influences: Recognizing the influence culture, media, and friends have on your health 

2) Access Information/Products/Services: Find reliable sources, products, and services to evaluate your health 

3) Communication: Being able to communicate your thoughts and feelings effectively helps you maintain close relationships - good communication helps resolve conflicts and allows you to express your opinions 

4) Decision-Making: Making appropriate decisions is key to protecting your health - taking your values into consideration when making decisions is important 

5) Goal-Setting: Once you set a goal, you can develop an action - a series of specific steps that you can take to achieve the goal 

6) Practicing healthful behaviors: It's important to develop strategies for maintaining healthy behaviors and reducing risky behavior - often you will need to practice a new behavior repeatedly until it becomes a habit 

7) Advocacy: The skill of advocacy involves using communication to influence and support others in making positive health decisions 


List three of the seven advertising methods and give an example for each. 

1) Scientific studies: "Tests prove that Product X works fast." 

2) Bandwagon approach: "Don't be left behind, use Product X." 

3) Testimonial: "The medicine recommended by doctors and their families is fantastic." 

4) Comparison to other products: "Product X now has twenty percent more painkiller than Product Y." 

5) Emotional appeal: "Choose Product X, your family's health depends on it." 

6) Price appeal: "Product X - the most for the least amount of money." 


What skills are you using when you are able to express your thoughts and feelings effectively? 
