Unit rate
Earn $125 in 25 hour
$10.00 for 4 dress
$ 2.50 for 1 dress
detergent: $4 for 16 oz or $18 for 6 oz
$18 for 6 oz
write 12 pages in 2 hours
6 pages/hour
The unit price of a $360 item consisting of 30 units?
popcorn $5 for 15 oz or $6 for 30 oz
$5 for 15 oz
make 600 cars in 50 days
What is 12 cars/day
The unit price of a $12 item consisting of 3 units?
apples $18 for 3kg or $25 for 5 kg
$25 for 5 kg
score 66 points in 6 games
What is 11 points/game
The unit price of a $44 item consisting of 22 units?
biscuits $12 for 4 or $ 12 for 6
$ 12 for 6
travel 1,200 m in 4 hours
300 m/h
The price of a $32 item consisting of 16 units?
$10 for 4 or $50 for 25
$50 for 25