Clara earns $145 in 25 hours how much does she earn in 1 hour?
What is $5.80/hour
$10.00 for 4 pickles. How much for 1 pickle?
What is 2.50 m
34 fidgets cost $36.07. How much is 1 fidget?
What is $1.06.
Noah D can write 11 pages in 2 hours how many can he write in 1 hour?
What is 5.5 pages/hour
Lexi payed 45 dollars for 45 pens how much is each pen?
What is $1
11 months of a netflix subscription is $48.53 how much is each month to watch?
What is $4.41
Nora can make 686 cars in 56 days how many cars can she make in 1 day?
What is 12.25 cars/day
3 nike zippers cost $14.32, how much does each zipper cost?
What is $4.77
$47.53 for 27 calculators, how much is each calculator?
What is $1.76
Johnny scored 98 points in 6 games how many does he score in 1 game?
What is 16.3 points/game
22 skins in fortnite cost $37.12. How much does each skin cost?
What is $1.69.
Gem stones cost $36.26 for 33, how much is one stone?
What is $1.10
Coda traveled 1,200 m in 4 hours how much did he travel in 1 hour?
What is 300 m/h
31 items cost $16.46. What is the cost of 1 item?
What is $0.53.
46 candy bars cost a $31.91. How much does 1 bar cost.
What is $0.69.