This type of urban dwelling typically housed multiple families in one room apartments.
What is a tenement?
This African American man bought a first class rail ticket on a Louisiana train, but was forced to sit in second class because of his race.
Who is Homer Plessy?
This term refers to efforts to rebuild and reintegrate the south into the US after the Civil War.
What is Reconstruction?
This amendment to the Constitution ended slavery in the United States.
What is the Thirteenth amendment?
When one person controls all aspects of a given industry, that person is said to have a:
What is a monopoly?
This 1892 clash between Pinkertons and steel workers in Pittsburgh, PA was called:
What is the Homestead Strike?
This person created a 19th century show that employed Native Americans, cowboys, and sharpshooters.
Who is "Buffalo" Bill Cody?
This law permitted anyone (except Confederates) to acquire land in the American west.
What is the Homestead Act?
The Fifteenth amendment to the Constitution did this.
What is gave Black men the right to vote?
This Supreme Court case legalized segregation in the United States.
What is Plessy v. Ferguson?
This port, in New York City, processed millions of immigrants during the Gilded Age.
What is Ellis Island?
Industrialists like Andrew Carnegie, JP Morgan, and John D. Rockefeller were called this by critics.
What are robber barons?
This organization provided formerly enslaved people with education, job training, and help registering to vote.
What is the Freedmen's Bureau?
This amendment guarantees protection from unreasonable searches and seizures of property.
What is the Fourth amendment?
Supporters of this theory believe that the government should not interfere in the economy.
What is capitalism?
This was the first national park, established in 1872.
What is Yellowstone National Park?
This person ended Reconstruction with the "corrupt bargain" of 1877.
Who is Rutherford B. Hayes?
This term refers to the belief that the US had a divine right to expand from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean.
What is Manifest Destiny?
This amendment guarantees citizens the right to freedom of speech.
What is the First amendment?
Dr. Adams' cats are named what?
What are Weiwei and Meimei?
This place, located in Pennsylvania, was built to educate and assimilate Native American children.
What is the Carlisle school?
This person argued that religion was the "opiate of the people."
Who is Karl Marx?
These laws prevented African Americans from gaining equal access to voting, property, and public spaces.
What are Black Codes or Jim Crow laws?
Birthright citizenship was guaranteed by this amendment.
What is the Fourteenth amendment?
This US law, adopted in 1882, virtually eliminated immigration from East Asia's largest country.
What is the Chinese Exclusion Act?