Who was the president during the time of Lewis and Clark's expedition?
Thomas Jefferson
What country did Jefferson negotiate with to obtain the Louisiana Territory?
What was the primary job of mountain men?
To trap small animals for their furs
What happened to the buffalo as a result of the American settlers' presence?
Which settlement mysteriously disappeared in 1590?
How old were Lewis and Clark when they started their expedition?
Lewis, 28 and Clark, 32
What was the belief that caused Americans to fight in wars and negotiate with other countries to expand?
Manifest Destiny
Give one reason why the Battle of Little Bighorn began.
1. Sitting Bull refused to sell the land to the government. 2. Gold
Where was Maine located as a colony?
It wasn't an original colony.
How many new plant species did Lewis and Clark discover?
DAILY DOUBLE: What was the name of the war that lasted from 1846-1848?
Mexican-American War
What is the term for the "land beyond where Europeans settled"?
a frontier
What did the government establish to evenly distribute land between Native Americans and settlers?
What is the capital of New York?
What was the exact date (with year) that Lewis & Clark began their expedition?
May 14, 1804
In what year was the final purchase of land that completed the modern United States?
This vast area of land beyond the Rocky Mountains.
Oregon Country
Which founding father was not loyal to his wife?
Alexander Hamilton
How did the only member of the Corps of Discovery perish/die?
A ruptured appendix
What are the TWO reasons that Florida was a "trouble spot" for the US when it was under Spanish control? (need both answers to be correct)
1. Runaway slaves went there to escape. 2. Native Americans crossed into Georgia and attacked settlers.
What was the name of the small pouch that mountain men wore around their necks?
Possibles pouch
This process tried to blend the Native Americans into European culture.
How does cholera spread?
Contaminated water