Me, Myself, and I
Literary Terms
Long, Long,Ago...
What a Twist!
Bust a Rhyme
Another word for story
What is a narrative
"I'm so hungry that I could eat an entire horse!" is an example of this literary element.
What is a hyperbole?
Folk literature is passed down through __________ and _________ of families and cultures
What is generations?
This is the end of the story.
What is the conclusion/resolution?
In poetry these are considered similar to paragraphs.
What is stanza?
The excerpt from, Dust Tracks on a Road is an example of this
What is a personal narrative
Farley was the epitome of a bully. He was bigger than the other kids, violent, said hurtful things, and was ugly enough to make a blind man cry. (SSSHHHH!!!! Don't let him know I said that)
What is a direct characterization?
Witches, wizards, goblins, and fair princesses can be found in this type of folk literature
What are fairy tales?
The turning point in the story and the part that is the most intense.
What is the climax?
Sentences help to build paragraphs but these are what builds the stanzas in a poem
What are lines?
Sights, Sounds, Tastes, Smells,and Feelings all necessary when telling a story that helps the readers feel as though they are there.
What are sensory details?
S.T.E.A.L. is an acronym used to describe when an author reveals certain things about people in the book
What is indirect characterization?
Gods and goddesses are often a part of this folk literature, which teaches a lesson as well
What are myths?
The action that occurs after the climax.
What is the falling action?
A consistent pattern of end rhyme throughout a poem and is labeled using letters of the alphabet
What is rhyme scheme?
When writing most students hate to rewrite their work after this step in the writing process is done
What is revision/revise?
An example of this literary term can be found throughout the Disney movie, "Cars" because of all the talking vehicles
What is personification?
This story teaches a lesson or moral and most of the main characters are personified animals
What is a fable?
The part of the story where conflicts and complications help to develop the story and leads to the climax.
What is the rising action?
Whats the rhyme pattern: Bid me to weep, and I will weep While I have eyes to see; And having none, and yet I will keep A heart to weep for thee.
What is A,B,A,B?
A distinct piece of action, as in an episode of a story or play. It is also made up of a sequence of events.
What is an incident?
The close placement of words having opposite or near opposite meanings in order to create a unique description. For example: Jumbo shrimp, living dead, and pretty ugly
What is an oxymoron?
This highly exaggerated type of folk literature is often funny and can have charaters that did exist in real life
What is a tall tale?
The part of the story that introduces characters, setting, and even gives some background information that may be needed to better understand the rest of the story.
What is exposition?
Create a poem that follows the rhyme pattern: A,A,B,C,C