Personal Care Skills
Caring for you/Careers
Basic Nursing Skills

A weakened side from a stroke or injury.

What is the affected side; also called the weaker or involved side?


It should contain Contact details, Educational experience, Work experience, Special skills, Memberships in professional organizations, Volunteer work, Indication that references are available on request

What is a resume?


Care that is given by specialists to help restore or improve function after an illness or injury.

What is rehabilitation?

A illness that has severe symptoms, is treated immediately, and is usually short-term.

What is an acute illness?


The pulse located inside the elbow, about one to one-and-a-half inches above the elbow.

What is the brachial pulse?


daily personal care tasks, such as bathing; caring for skin, nail, hair, and teeth; dressing; toileting; eating and drinking; walking; and transferring.

What are Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)?


The state of being frightened, excited, confused, in danger, or irritated.

What is stress?


The permanent and painful shortening of a muscle.

What is a contracture?


A general term that refers to inflammation of the joints, causing stiffness, pain, and decreased mobility.

What is arthritis?


The process of breathing air into the lungs and exhaling air out of the lungs.

What is respiration?


Areas of the body where bone lies close to the skin.

What are Bony Prominences?

Identification (driver's license, social security card, birth certificate, or passport), Proof of legal ability to work in the United States, Credentials (NA certification), Letters of reference from former employers or teachers, not family or friends

What are types of documents needed for applying for a job?


Exercises to put a joint through its full arc of motion that are performed by a person alone, without the affected person’s help.

What is passive range of motion (PROM)?


A doctor’s order stating that a person is unable to touch the floor or support any body weight on one or both legs.

What is non-weight bearing (NWB)?


A warm soak of the perineal area to clean perineal wounds and reduce inflammation and pain.

What is a sitz bath?


A device that helps support and align a limb and improve its functioning.

What is an orthotic device or orthosis?


Showing anger or being abusive toward residents/clients, Arguing with your supervisor, Having poor relationships with coworkers, Complaining about your job, Feeling work-related burnout, Feeling tired even when you are rested, Having a difficult time focusing

What are some problems that can result from not managing stress effectively?


Exercises to put a joint through its full arc of motion that are performed by a person with some help from the affected person.

What is active assisted range of motion (AAROM)?


A condition in which either the body does not produce enough insulin or the body fails to properly use insulin; typically develops after age 35, usually the milder form.

What is Type 2 Diabetes?


A box-like device that changes air in the room into air with more oxygen.

What is an oxygen concentrator?


Honoring the resident's preferences during assisting with grooming and dressing.  

What is promoting independence and dignity?


Do not interrupt, Do not get emotional, Check body language, Keep focus on the issue at hand, Be prepared to brainstorm solutions and to compromise.

What are guidelines for resolving conflict?


Loss of self-esteem; Depression; Illnesses such as pneumonia or UTI, Constipation; Blood clots; Dulling of senses; Muscle atrophy and contractures; Increased risk of pressure ulcers

What are problems that may result from a lack of mobility?


Answer call lights promptly. Keep a portable commode nearby if needed, Encourage residents to follow diet orders and/or fluid restrictions, Allow for rest periods, Measure intake and output (I&O) as ordered, Weigh residents as instructed, Apply elastic leg stockings as ordered, Assist with ROM exercises, Extra pillows may help breathing. Keep the head of the bed elevated if it helps with breathing, Assist with personal care and ADLs as needed

What are some guidelines for caring for a resident with congestive heart failure (CHF)?


Report complaints of pain or unrelieved pain immediately; Gently position the body in proper alignment; Give back rubs; Offer resident to take a warm bath or shower; Offer toileting; Encourage slow, deep breathing; Provide a calm and quiet environment. Use soft music to distract the resident; Be patient, caring, gentle, and responsive to residents who are in pain.

What are ideas for the NA to reduce a resident's pain?