Comparing two things using "like" or "as"
What is a simile?
Pronouns that perform the action in a sentence (Pronouns: I, you, he, she, it, we, they, who)
What is a subjective pronoun?
This type of verb shows an action that is happening right now, like "runs", "talks", or "writes".
What is a present tense verb?
The letter P in Author's Purpose PIE in which the author is trying to convince the reader to do or think something.
What is Persuade?
This person was the main character of "A Mango Shaped Space".
Who is Mia?
Comparing two different things without using "like" or "as"
What is a metaphor?
Pronouns that receive the action in a sentence.
(Pronouns: me, you, him, her, it, us, them, whom)
What is an Objective Pronoun?
This type of verb shows an action that WILL happen LATER, often using the helping verb "will", like "will run", "will talk", or "will write".
What is a future tense verb?
The letter I in Author's Purpose PIE that author writes to tell the reader important information about the topic.
What is Inform?
What is synesthesia?
A saying that is exaggerated beyond belief to make a point
Pronouns that show ownership in a sentence.
(Pronouns: mine, yours, his, hers, its, theirs, ours)
What is a Possessive pronoun?
The verb that helps the main verb express action or time, like "is", "have", "will", "was".
What is a helping verb?
The letter E in Author's Purpose PIE that is to give the reader an interesting piece that could be sad, funny, scary.
What is Entertain?
The setting of "A Mango Shaped Space".
What is Present-Day Illinois?
Giving human qualities to a non-human item
What is personification?
Example: The runner ___ won the race trained for a long time.
What is "who"?
This type of verb shows an action that has already happened, like "ran", "talked", or "wrote".
What is a past tense verb?
What is to Entertain?
Mia feeling alone in seeing colors for numbers, letters, and sounds could be described as this part of the plot, or the part of the plot that sparks conflict.
What is the inciting incident?
What is an onomatopoeia?
The relative pronoun that is used for things, including animals.
Example: The shirt ___ I bought yesterday is already stained.
What is "that"?
This type of verb connects the subject of a sentence to a word that describes or identifies it, like "is", "was", "seems".
Two types: forms of "be" and verbs that express emotions
This is the Author's Purpose of a non-fiction work about Abraham Lincoln.
What is to Inform?
What part of the plot?
In A Mango Shaped Space, this emotional turning point occurs when Mia loses Mango, forcing her to confront her grief and embrace her synesthesia as part of who she is.
What is the climax?