The Outsiders
Grammar 2
Argumentative Writing

Define the word vague

of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning


Write a compound sentence.

I went to the beach, and I looked for seashells. 

Name one character trait for Johnny


Pick the right verb for the suject-verb agreement 

Jim and Sam (was, were) going to the park.


What is a hook and where is it located?

The first sentence in your first paragraph that captures a reader's attention


Define the word indignantly and tell me what part of speech it is

  • (adv): in a manner indicating anger or annoyance at something perceived as unfair


Write a complex sentence.

After I went to the park, I noticed I had sunburn. 


What are two things that Two-Bit was known for.

1) Switchblade

2) Shoplifting


Everybody (was, were) sleeping in the woods for their campout. 



What should a transition contain and where should it be located in your introduction paragraph?

It should come directly after the hook, and it should provide background information on your topic.


Define the word liable and use it in a sentence

  • (adj.):  responsible by law; legally answerable 

  • sentence: The food store was liable for the person's injury because they did not put up a sign that said "caution wet floor". 

Write a compound-complex sentence.

When I got home from the beach, I had a lot of sunburn, so I put on aloe. 


What is direct characterization? What is indirect characterization? 

Direct characterization happens when the author explicitly tells the reader what he or she wants us to learn about the character. Indirect characterization occurs when the author shows the reader parts of the character that helps them understand the character's personality and the effect they have on other characters.

Fix the following sentence by adding commas to it.

Jacob Jonathan and Sam were going camping to get their boy scouts badge but they forgot their food supply. 


Create and label the inverted pyramid used for your introduction paragraph





Define the word veered, draw a picture of it, and use it in a sentence.

  •  (v.): change direction suddenly

  • The ship veered off course when gusts of wind started to pick up speed.


Pick the correct verb using subject-verb agreement

Neither of the dogs (has, have) any toys. 

Provide 1 example of direct and 1 example of indirect characterization.

Direct: He was cold-blooded and cruel.

Indirect: He shoved the little kids down at the park even though he was twice their age, and they didn't do anything wrong.


Either Jessie or Jennifer (is, are) going to the river to get fresh water. 



What does P.I.E. stand for (used for our body paragraphs) and explain each letter.

P- point - the main point/topic sentence of that paragraph -- the rest of the paragraph should be able that topic 

I- information- stats/facts/etc.

E. - Explanation- where you explain how your information is relevant to your thesis and topic/ it should help prove your argument.

Use three of your vocabulary words in the same sentence.

The captain was liable for the damage the ship caused when the winds caused the ship to veer off course because he did not anchor, but he was acquitted in court. 


Name 4 comma rules

1 -  Use commas to separate things in a series of three or more things

2 - Use a comma to separate independent clauses, complete thoughts, when they are joined by the following conjunctions (FANBOYS).

3 -  Use a comma to separate a dependent clause (incomplete thought) from an independent clause (complete thought) if the dependent clause comes first.

4 - Use a comma to separate any word of phrase from the the rest of the sentence that isn’t essential to the sentences meaning.


Name 4 seeds of conflicts and explain them.

  • Character vs. character- the character has a problem with one or more characters in the story

  • Character vs. self- the character has a physical or an inner mental or emotional problem

  • Character vs. society- the character has a problem with a part of society (government, school, tradition, etc.)

  • Character vs. nature- the character has a problem caused by some force of nature (cold, storm, etc.)

  • Character vs. fate- the character has a problem with a force such as fat, luck or God.


Create a sentence for each of the following comma rules: 

1 - Use a comma to separate independent clauses, complete thoughts, when they are joined by the following conjunctions (FANBOYS).

2 Use a comma to separate any word of phrase from the the rest of the sentence that isn’t essential to the sentences meaning.

3. Use a comma to separate a quotation from the rest of the sentence.

1. Mya and Melvin are going to the park, and they are going to get ice cream. 

2. Hank, the handsome Dalmatian, pranced around the park. 

3.Jackie shouted out to them, "please help me!"


Use the introduction paragraph to identify the hook, transition, thesis, and the 3 body paragraph topics- write them all down :

Snorkeling in the ocean can be exhilarating expeirence, until one begins to question what might be lurking down below. The fear of sharks can seriously impact and enjoyable day swimming in the sea. Recently, scientists at a company called Shark Defense started testing various ways to keep sharks away from humans. They've found that the smell of rotting sharks may actually keep live sharks away, so they made a chemical that smells like dead and rotting sharks. Scientists believe this chemical might be able to repel sharks. Some may believe this is a great idea since people will be able to enjoy time in the water without worrying about shark attacks; however, creating chemicals to release in the ocean is dangerous because they may harm the environment, they could be harmful to people, and they can create a false sense of safety. 

Hook: Snorkeling in the ocean can be exhilarating expeirence, until one begins to question what might be lurking down below. The fear of sharks can seriously impact and enjoyable day swimming in the sea. 

Transition: ecently, scientists at a company called Shark Defense started testing various ways to keep sharks away from humans. They've found that the smell of rotting sharks may actually keep live sharks away, so they made a chemical that smells like dead and rotting sharks. Scientists believe this chemical might be able to repel sharks.

Thesis: Some may believe this is a great idea since people will be able to enjoy time in the water without worrying about shark attacks; however, creating chemicals to release in the ocean is dangerous because they may harm the environment, they could be harmful to people, and they can create a false sense of safety.

BP1:  because they may harm the environment

BP2:they could be harmful to people,

Bp3: they can create a false sense of safety.