
1. Not knowing anything 

A. Tricky 

B. Unaware 

C. Aware

B. Unaware


2. His hot pancakes are __________ , you buy them straight from the kitchen to eat in your hands. 

A. in stitches 

B. hilarity 

C. finger-lickin' good 

C. finger-lickin' good


to provide something good or useful in place of something or to make  someone feel better about something that has failed or been lost or  missed 

A. make up for

B. Look up 

C. put up with

A. make up for


Fortunately there was little damage, so I can remember the event with ___________. 

A. Hilarity 

B. Ignorance 

C. mother tongue

A. Hilarity 


to be able to live or deal with a situation with difficulty, usually by  having just enough of something you need, such as money

A. bring round 

B. get by 

C. get away with

B. get by

to accept or continue to accept an unpleasant situation or experience,  or someone who behaves unpleasantly 

A. Get away with 

B. Bring round

C. put up with

C. put up with


to examine the facts about a problem or situation 

A. put up with 

B. look up 

C. find out

C. find out


to persuade someone to have the same opinion as you have 

A. Bring round 

B. Come up with 

C. Look forward to

A. Bring round

He and I have talked through this whole ________ problem. 

A. tricky 

B. unaware

C. finger-lickin' good

A. tricky


to order a sports player to leave the playing area during a game  because they have done something wrong

A. take off

B. Send off

C. go for

B. Send off


to suddenly start to be successful or popular 

A. Take off 

B. bring about 

C. come across

A. Take off


understand some parts of what sb said 

A. get the gist of 

B. manage to pick out some of what being said

C. Can't make out of

B. manage to pick out some of what being said


The lorry driver escaped unhurt, but a __________ was injured. 

A. mother tongue

B. Pedestrian 

C. Hilarity

B. Pedestrian


do not understand of what being said 

A. can't make out 

B. can't get the gist

C. can't make up

A. can't make out


to produce ideas

A. come across 

B. come up with 

C. bring about

C. bring about

understand the main idea of something 

A. catch the drift 

B. get the gist of 

C. manage to pick out some

B. get the gist of


My uncle told a joke and I was _________________.

A. Unaware 

B. in stitches 

C. tricky

B. in stitches


We'd better __________ a doctor. 

A. get away with 

B. go for

C. bring about

B. go for


I've never come across anyone quite like her before. 

A. come across

B. go for 

C. bring about

A. come across


We were asked to _________ a list of sentences. 

A. translate 

B. donate

C. Call

A. translate


Some of those children _________ murder! 

A. come about 

B. bring round 

C. get away with

C. get away with


Excuse my _________, but how does it actually work? 

A. Ignorance

B. Pedestrian 

C. mother tongue

A. Ignorance


do not understand sb or do not agree with sb 

A. s.b lost me when

B. can't make out 

C. can't make up

A. s.b lost me when


I have no_______ of retiring just yet. 

A. intention 

B. Ignorance 

C. Pedestrian

A. intention


They felt the need to ________ a renewal of society. 

A. come across 

B. come up with 

C. bring about

C. bring about