Why was the UN founded?
Preserve peace; build a better world; in response to the horrors WWII; prevent war
How many member states are in the General Assembly?
How many rights are in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
How many Sustainable Development Goals are there?
What city in the United States has suffered from a lack of access to clean water in recent years?
Flint, Michigan
What year was the United Nations Charter signed and the UN was officially formed?
What are three of the main bodies of the United Nations?
General Assembly; Security Council; International Court of Justice; Secretariat, Economic & Social Council; Trusteeship Council
What are three rights in the UDHR?
[three rights]
In what year were the sustainable development goals established? And what year are they to be achieved by?
2015 & 2030
What is the number one cause of warming temperatures and the climate crisis?
carbon emissions / greenhouse gasses / burning fossil fuels
What was the name of the first international organization that came before the United Nations?
League of Nations
Which countries are permanent members, and thus have veto power, in the Security Council?
U.S., France, China, Russia, UK
Who led the committee that drafted the UDHR?
Eleanor Roosevelt
List three of the sustainable development goals.
[list three]
What does the acronym W.A.S.H. stand for in relation to SDG6 Clean Water?
Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene / clean water, toilets, hand washing
What are two reasons that the League of Nations failed? (Not WWII)
No legal power, not all countries were members, no military, required unanimous decisions
Name two countries/states/nations that are not full Member States of the United Nations?
Palestine, Vatican City, Taiwan, Cook Islands, Niue
When was the UDHR adopted by the General Assembly?
What do you think the UNDP (United Nations Development Program) does?
It is the organization in charge of seeing that the sustainable development goals are carried out globally.
The Earth needs to avoid warming by ____ degrees C from pre-industrial levels in order to avoid entering a danger zone.
How many countries were represented at the signing of the UN charter in in San Francisco in 1945?
Leaders from 50 countries
Who is currently the Secretary General of the UN? Where is he from?
Antonio Guterres (Portugal)
How many member states were in the UN when the UDHR was adopted?
What are three pillars of sustainable development?
environmental, social, and economic
What year was the Paris Agreement adopted?
2015 (I'll also accept 2016, because that is when it was signed)