The number of preambulatory and operative clauses
What is 3
A piece of paper raised when you want to speak
What is a placard
The United Nations was founded in this year
What is 1945
What is 29%
$2.6 trillion every year is stolen through this problem
What is corruption
The first part of a resolution
What is a Heading
What is a point of inquiry
The UN aims to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by this year
What is 2030
This country has the highest share of women in parliament
What is Rwanda
The age of an average parliamentarian
What is 51
Model UN resolutions are written to this body
What is the General Assembly
What is a chair
The main organ of the United Nations
What is the General Assembly
Household chores, caring for younger children, and a lack of safety can make it harder for girls to attend this institution
What is school
The number of countries that have laws protecting public access to information
What is 140
Operative clauses end in these two punctuation marks
What is a semicolon and a period
A discussion that uses a speakers list
What is a moderated caucus
What is 193
Women spend 2.5 more times than men on this kind of low paid work
This organ of the UN helps to fight corruption and create fair institutions
What is the UN Office on Drugs and Crime
This part of a resolution can be amended
What are operative clauses
How actions are taken in Model UN
What are motions
The most recent UN member
What is South Sudan
Men are 8% more likely than women to own this item
What is a cell phone
This percentage of people have been asked to pay a bribe to a government official
What is 19%