How many UN Sustainable Development Goals are there?
What are the current ongoing SOS projects?
Bird Safe Campus; Invasive Species Removal; Urban Agriculture; Community Garden; CultiVOTE; Medical Waste
When is women's history month?
March !
Name one event that has severely impacted the global ability to address the SDGs within the past 5 years.
Climate change; COVID-19 pandemic; war in Ukraine; etc.
In 2020, what percentage of countries faced abnormally high food prices?
Are we on track to meet the SDGs?
"current progress falls far short of what is required to meet the SDGs. Without massive investment and scaled up action, the achievement of the SDGs — the blueprint for a more resilient and prosperous world and the roadmap out of current global crises — will remain elusive"
Which SDG(s) does Bird Safe Campus address? (topic; number optional)
11: Sustainable Cities & Communities
15: Life on Land
Gender equality is the _____ sustainable development goal. (number)
Which SDG has made the most progress since 2015, based on quantifiable outcomes?
SDG 7: Affordable & Clean Energy
As of 2022, what percentage of the world is lacking basic hand washing facilities?
When did all UN Member States adopt the Agenda for Sustainable Development?
SDGs 4 (quality education) and 13 (climate action) are addressed by which SOS project?
What proportion of women around the world are married before they turn 18?
1/5 (20%)
How many people were newly diagnosed with tuberculosis in 2022?
7.5 million -- the highest amount since global monitoring began in 1995
At our current rate of progress, how many children will lack basic literacy skills by 2030?
300 million
The SDGs target development goals by what year?
Which projects target SDG 11?
11: Sustainable Cities & Communities
Invasive Species; Urban Ag; Community Garden; Bird Safe Campus
Which country eliminated the goods & services tax on tampons in 2018?
What is 1 benefit for mainstreaming water resources in climate planning & financing?
Improve resilience to climate change; advance developments for food management, energy production, and ecosystem biodiversity
Measles coverage (including the 2nd shot) is at what percent globally, as of 2021?
What is COP29 (name and purpose)?
United Nations Climate Change Conference or Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC or 29th United Nations Climate Change conference.
2 purposes: (1) To review the implementation of the Convention, the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement, respectively; and (2) To adopt decisions to further develop and implement these three instruments.
The Green Network is a local example of which SDG?
17: Strengthen the Means of Implementation and Revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development.
Target 5.5 is to "ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life". Which strategy has been shown to be effective at achieving women's equality in politics?
Legislated gender quotas
What is 1 impact of mountain ecosystem degradation?
Threats to water provision, reduced glacial coverage, diminished forest and vegetation coverage leading to soil erosion, higher risk of downstream landslides and flooding.
In 2021, what percentage of fish stocks were within biologically sustainable levels?